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Friday, December 11, 2009

Bright Spots

Sub-zero temperatures and a wintry landscape with only brief glimpses of the sun could send some spirits spiraling downwards this time of the year, but fear not, I have found some bright spots worth mentioning.
This past week I went to Como Park Conservatory to check out their holiday Poinsettia display. WOW, some hundreds of plants provided a dazzling array of color. It was hard not to overdo taking pictures and I am sharing a few with this blog. The tropical plants and warmth of the building provided some reflective moments thinking how nice a tropical get-away might be.
Another bright spot for me was reading on the Internet about the huge success Susan Boyle is currently having with her album which is sailing off the charts in sales. I am one of her biggest fans. What a heart-warming story her rise to fame has been! She was quoted as saying..."I am still the person I always was the wee lady from Blackburn. I still live in the same house. I still like the same things. I have never wanted to change. I have only wanted to be a professional singer and perhaps that's the way in which I think differently about myself now. I feel like a professional. "
Susan's journey has been amazing with her big dream to be recognized in the music profession. So my word of advice to you the readers, Dream big, anything is possible. FYI, I have put a request on my Santa list for her new CD. So lets hope it shows up in my stocking, which has been hung by the chimney with care. I have tried to be good!
Speaking of stockings, are any of you missing some? I have been wondering if those threads that I have seen on the floor and near the door are ones from a Christmas sock which is missing its mate. Could those mischievous fairies be busy at work? Perhaps they have been snatching up socks for the yarn to knit sock accessories for their friends as Christmas gifts?? The weather certainly is cold enought for leg and arm warmers much needed items. I have previously mentioned them in my blogs.
I am bringing this salad to a lunch today and thought it might be an easy one for you to try
Cashew-Pear Tossed Salad
  • Mixed greens with baby spinach leaves
  • 2-3 ripe pears-cut in chunks with skin on
  • 1 cup salted cashews
  • 1 cup dried cherries
  • 2 cups shredded Swiss cheese
  • 1 large cucumber diced
  • Vidalia Onion Poppyseed dressing
  • Mix greens, pears, nuts, cherries and cucumbers together
  • Grate cheese on top and add dressing just before serving


  1. For a lighter variation on this salad I use pears, walnuts, red onion and blue cheese. Then add a balsamic viniagrette dressing.
    And as for Susan Boyle...I am playing her terrific first CD as I write. You will love it! Be sure to read the printed words and comments in the jacket!


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