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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Everybody Needs A Rock

Today I was quite preoccupied on a morning walk along a township road. I almost missed picking up an interesting rock since I was busy counting all these strategically placed holes in the road where turtles have deposited their eggs. I've always enjoyed collecting rocks from different locations and trips so I have quite a large collection. It pays to be observant because you just never know when the right one will appear!
When I was a classroom teacher students would bring me rocks as gifts as well as bringing their own to show. I have found rocks to be a great source for creative writing activities as one imagines all the uses for rocks. In addition I believe each rock has their own story to tell. The first rock I ever received was from a student for a Christmas present. It was a large smooth rock painted blue with a winter scene on it to be used as a paper weight. After all these years I still have it. Another favorite I received is a rock that says imagine on it. If you hold it in the palm of your hand it is possible to generate some creative juices. I posted some pictures of rocks and note the one that even has a dragonfly on it.
I would like to recommend this children's book called If You Find A Rock by Peggy Christian. I thought the last page was a good summary on rocks.
If you find a rock-
a rock that's not
a skipping rock,
or a chalk rock,
or a resting rock
or a wishing rock-
that's not
a splashing rock,
or a sifting rock,
or a worry rock,
or a hiding rock-
that's not even
a climbing rock,
or a crossing rock,
or a fossil rock,
or a walking rock
but you like it anyway,
because it reminds you
of a place
or a feeling
or someone important-
then you have found
a memory rock,
and sometimes
those are the best
rocks of all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue! I like your "rock" post. It was very visual as you described the turtle eggs, etc.

    You and I have something in common, as I like to collect rocks. It must be a Writer's thing. :)



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