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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This past week my January issues of several magazine subscriptions have been arriving. Each issue seems to have articles that focus on a making a fresh start in the new year with suggestions on how to declutter, organize your home, setting and keeping goals and ways to live a healthier better life in 2011.
One piece that caught my interest was the article that suggested it was time to do CPR on your closet: Categorize, Purge, and Rearrange. It sounds like such a noble thing to do! Personally I have never thought of applying the term CPR to my closet space but it does make sense. The author of the article said one should consider each item. If it doesn't make you feel wonderful or look fabulous, it's a no. So put the item in the "to donate box" and put that box in your car right away before you change your mind.
BHG magazine 25 Ways to Pare Down and Get Organized for a Fresh New Year.

My take is we all are busy people and it is far easier and faster to just throw stuff back in the closet rather than carefully thinking about how these items should be organized/ grouped by color and type or how neatly items could be placed on the hangers.
If you decide to take the plunge to clean your closet I suggest you sort and decide quickly what should go "to the donate box." Consider the following
1. If you have not worn the outfit in the last century-time to ditch it
2. If you are hanging on to a clothing item, hoping you might regain that slimmer figure-let the item go
3. If some treasured clothing piece is out of style and you are hoping the look will come back-do a reality check-toss it
4. If you have have not used/worn an item in last six months consider letting go
5. If you have multiples of one item perhaps one will do
6. And lastly, perhaps time to rethink the thought ... No one can have too many purses and shoes
Reorganizing closets and drawers can be therapeutic and empowering. Putting a system into place is the easy part but its the maintaining part that will be the challenge!
Good Luck
One of my New Year's Resolutions will be to incorporate more recipes that are lighter in calories. Lite Spicy Tomato Vodka Sauce and Lightened Bolognese Sauce will be on the next blog just in time for your New Year's holiday entertaining.

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