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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Novel Approach To Poetry

Hungry for Poetry
By Ralph Fletcher

First I saw him chew
a tender Japanese haiku.

He ate a foot-long sonnet
with mustard seed spread upon it.

He downed a bag of ripe cinquains
while walking in the pouring rain.

He gulped an epic, chomped an ode,
wolfed a couplet to cure his cold.

He munched so many limericks,
they made him absolutely sick.

He tried a plate of fresh free verse;
but all that did was make things worse.

He took some onomatopoeia
to cure a case of diarrhea.

He ate a poem of sixteen lines,
and after that he felt just fine.

The start of National Poetry month seemed like  good time to take advantage of unusual park activity. Along a meandering two mile paved walk through the park sculptures and cell phone poetry have been set up for viewing and listening.  At each sculpture you stop, dial a set number and listen to a brief description of how the sculpture was made and a narration of a poem. This was the first stop

A Norwegian Hut

Second stop listening to a poetry reading while overlooking the lake 
I do hope the park changes the sculptures and readings from time to time to encourage repeated visits by people. It's a great concept.
Pippa’s Song
by Robert Browning

The year’s at the spring
And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hillside’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn:
God’s in his heaven-
All’s right in the world!















































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