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Monday, April 1, 2013

Keep a Poem in Your Pocket

April is National Poetry Month. has a list of 30 ways to celebrate the month with poetry. Here is one idea to get you started

Read a book of poems and pick a favorite. Copy a favorite poem and carry it with you in your pocket. Perhaps you can share the poem with someone today.   

"Poetry is a response to the daily necessity of getting the world right." by

April Rain Song

Let the rain kiss you.

Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.

Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.

The rain makes running pools in the gutter.

The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night—

And I love the rain.

by Langston Hughes


It took me awhile to figure this one out. Answer at end of the blog if you need help.
The following story seemed like it could be an April Fool's Day joke but it was the real deal.
The Good Samaritan is a familiar parable found in one of the gospels of the New Testament: The Gospel According to Luke (10:29-37) 

Easter Sunday morning my husband and I were a witness to this parable in live action. We were invited to my sister’s house for a morning brunch. Since she lives so close to us I chose not to take my purse, nor bring my cell phone and not wear a coat despite the temperatures hovering around 38. I had made two quiches and a dessert for the brunch. We were within two miles of her house on a very busy road when the car seemed to lean and make a huge noise like the bottom of the car fell out. We stopped instantly and pulled over to the side of the road that had very little shoulder. It was then we discovered the unthinkable, the tire had blown and ripped right off the rim. We got out trying to figure out what to do next. One does worry getting out of a car on a busy road and being hit! I was so rattled that I was unable to recall not even one family member’s number using my husband's cell. I also was aware the brunch was on a tight schedule due to some of my nephews' work schedules.

It was right at this time a man traveling with his family pulled up behind us and wanted to know what he could do to help. We did not have the right tools to even put on a spare. Of course I was not going to do it even if we did have the right tools. After some discussion he puts out an emergency flare near our car. Since my husband had to wait for AAA the Good Samaritan offers to drive me to my sister’s house with the food. So if you can believe this I took him up on the offer of a ride. I got in his car with all my stuff plus a bottle of champagne I was bringing for the mimosas :) Now this truly had to have been an amusing sight to the family sitting in the car. Turns out they were just returning from church so I did make a point of telling his teenage children what a wonderful example their father had set by coming to our rescue. After I left my husband (he was still waiting for AAA) another car comes by stops and offers to help. This Good Samaritan then goes to his house and comes back with the right tool needed to put on the spare. And just about this time my brother- in -law shows up with more tools. Now as the spare goes on who should show up but AAA. By this time they had the easiest job of all, just adding air to the tire. 

In today’s world you hear and read about so many bad things happening it was quite gratifying and impressive that total strangers would be so kind take the time to stop and help us out all on Easter Sunday morning. 

Asparagus Quiche
Cook's notes: Pre-baking the crust prevents the crust from getting soggy. I used Pappy's Pie Crust  2 dough circles and rolled both out together on floured wax paper surface. Preheat oven @425 degrees.
After  placing crust in quiche pan I crimped edges and placed two large strips of foil  in the crust so foil hangs out over the edge and smoothed out foil inside the crust going all the the way around inside of pan. Bake crust for 6 minutes-remove foil and bake 4 minutes longer-let cool while making filling

This is a type of blind baking without using pie weights
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 3/4 cup half and half
  • 1 tsp. dry mustard
  • 2 TB. parsley flakes
  • 1/2 cup diced onions
  • asparagus spears
  • 1-1/2 cup Swiss cheese
  • herbes de Provence 1/2 tsp.
  • optional bacon bits
  • Place first 6 ingredients in blender and mix
  • On bottom of crust arrange onions, small asparagus spears (3 inches long) and sprinkle cheese over that
  • Tear 3 long strips of foil and crimp around quiche pan over crust to prevent over browning
  • Carefully pour liquid in crust and  arrange a few asparagus spears on top as shown in picture
  • Sprinkle on top herbes de Provence
  • Bake @ 425 for 15 minutes
  • Reduce and bake at 300 for 30 minutes till knife comes clean from center
  • Let stand 10 minutes before cutting   
April Fool's Day Answer: There is no F13 on the keyboard

1 comment:

  1. So reaffirming to read this story about the many Good Samaritans who came to your assistance. Thank you for sharing this.


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