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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Equine Voices Rescue and Sanctuary

Equine Voices Rescue and Sanctuary near Green Valley AZ is a non profit organization dedicated to saving Premarin mares and foals from neglect, abuse and slaughter. It's a place that is a voice for all horses and other equines who cannot speak for themselves  and works to end their senseless abuse, suffering and slaughter. 
For those who know me well you may be surprised to find me here up close and personal with horses and burros on a very warm 93 degree day. 
I was on my last field trip of the season with the camera club. It was unlimited photo taking and a chance to visit with the staff and learn more about their mission and view a working ranch. Each of the 40 some horses and burros all had a story to tell how they were rescued and being nurtured back to better health after many years of neglect and abuse. How wonderful there is a place with people who share a vision to help these animals and eventually adopt them out. Note some have such special needs they will never leave the ranch. Each animal is named and most even have their personalized box of meds on standby. 

It is evident each animal receives quality care and is nurtured by the volunteer staff. Our visit seemed to be timed for late breakfast. Every animal was eating with gusto and lapping up the water. 
Some of the horses had netting over their faces to protect them from the constant barrage of flies. 

I was taken at how well behaved all the animals were eating in a rather harmonious manner. I thought the burros were rather cute with sweet friendly faces. All looked content. 
These horses heard a bunch of people were coming  to take pictures, so they are lined up.

This horse is amazing 46 years old quite the longevity in horse life.  
This sanctuary has a variety of programs which include: volunteer, adoption, sponsorship, education, youth program, Euthanasia fund and Gulliver's Fan and Legacy. Donations and fundraisers help keep their programs and sanctuary thriving. 
Check out their website to learn more


  1. What an interesting photo club field trip. I hope you are enjoying these opportunities to photograph. You're doing well. Do you feel more confident in your photography?

  2. Yes look how up close and personal I got! AZ sun is blazing so often difficult to see exactly what you are taking though.

  3. Do you look through a viewfinder when taking your pix?

    You are definitely using what you've learned in class. The more you photograph, the more comfortable you will become.

    1. yes but with such blinding sight often hard to see even what's in th view finder. Certainly not a Minnesota problem!!


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