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Friday, July 5, 2019

The World According to Bella

A blog worthy day
I love a parade and I do love boat rides. Some neighbors came by and joined in on the fun.  

I heard at the last minute some talk I'd have to stay behind. Something about me, space and how crazy I can get with birds and loons.  Just in case they were thinking of leaving me behind I made a beeline for the boat. Really, I've never missed a parade in 9 years and Mrs. S made sure I was dressed in a festive style. 

Outfit #1

The sun was shining , the seas were calm. a perfect day for a parade and Mr. C knows the route.  

We had 30 boats sailing along. What was different this year were so many more people on shore waving, cheering, shouting and singing. Really no one would have even noticed if I had barked a bit. 

 Lucky for me, I've been practicing my paw princess wave.

These three had the best viewing place on their dock. I was more than ready for lunch  and an afternoon nap after all this activity. But no nap time for me as we were off to visit Sadie and Luna. Jenny and Chris missed our parade. They went to pick up their new boat. 
Mrs. S brought my bed along just in case we were gone a long time. Sadie and Luna spent what seemed like a long time giving it the sniff test. 

Chris does not give out rawhide treats anymore after Sadie cracked her tooth. But Mr. C had other doggie treats to keep us happy.

We stayed so long we missed the fireworks near our house. But fine by me as the popping noises always send me under the table where I feel safe.

Hope you had as much fun as I did.
Here's outfit #2 of the day. I should have won a prize for this one. Sometimes I think Mrs. S gets carried away with her ideas. 

Love, Bella

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