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Thursday, October 21, 2021


As I left the medical building you could hear me shout 

from wearing this metal tortuous brace 24/7 for 6 weeks. It has been a mental and physical challenge each day adjusting to being immobile and staying inside. When the ordinary things we take for granted are taken away like getting yourself dressed, tying your shoes, getting things off a shelf, and picking things up off the floor it's a time to pause and reflect.
am filled with gratitude for my neighbors who brought food, wine, planned little gatherings these past weeks to raise my spirits. And also thank you to those who sent cards, notes of cheer, calls, and texts. It was all appreciated. 

Today I thought a rather serendipitous sign. After we left the doctor's office we went through drive-through at Caribou. We put in a rather large order. Then the young woman at the window said it will be "free." We were speechless! She said the car in front of us paid for our order. We have never had this happen before. So we thought we'd "pay it forward" for car behind us. She laughed. We turned and noted there were no cars behind us. Oh well, next time. But the small gift of kindness we took as a good sign of things to come. 

I do want all to know that the biggest hero through all of this was my husband.

He became my Florence Nightengale supervising my care and his patience beyond beyond having to readjust the brace that kept slipping down my leg all day and all night. I could not have managed without his help.   

Now begins the hard work of therapy to get my leg back hopefully to some sort of normalcy and on to Arizona. 

P.S. Today was my first time in 6 weeks doing my own grocery shopping. It was a highlight for sure. Charley really never learned to cook past few months and embrace a sous chef position.   


  1. Oh, Sue, I'm so happy you are at this point in your recovery and that Charley has been there every step of the way to help and encourage. I empathize and understand your joy at being released from that device. Now...on to therapy. It's amazing how helpful that can be in reclaiming what you've lost in the past weeks.

    I fully agree that, until something like this happens, we don't recognize that which we take for granted. And that changes how we approach life and others dealing with similar challenges.

    Hooray also to that act of kindness paid to you at the coffee shop. Pay it forward, my friend. Many hugs.

  2. Thanks for your kind words and concern

  3. You are welcome. I hope therapy goes well.

  4. COLLEEN HONDL GENGLEROctober 26, 2021 at 5:29 AM

    Sorry to hear about having to wear the brace for six weeks. Good luck with your therapy. Hope it goes well so you can get to AZ!

    1. Shedding the brace is so freeing and therapy is hard work :)


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