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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Tangled Times

Western genre needs more frontier stories told from a woman's point of view and Irene Bennett Brown delivers with her Nickel Hill Series. Book Two, “Tangled Times,” is the follow-up to her first book “Miss Royal's Mules.” In Book One we meet Jocelyn Belle Royal, a young, strong, determined woman who has taken work with a mule drive to earn back her farm lost to the bank. Displaying the grit needed for survival, Jocelyn earns the respect of the men around her in what is considered a male-only job.

Book Two, “Tangled Times” is the follow-up to “Miss Royal's Mules.” The reader is quickly drawn into several simultaneous plot lines that weave a tangled web. Jocelyn has just married her childhood friend, Pete Pladson. The newlyweds are managing a cattle ranch on the Nickel Hill Ranch, Kansas, in the early 1900s. Plans for their operation to thrive are thwarted by cattle rustlers. With other neighbors experiencing the same problems, tension and suspicions escalate. Jocelyn's plans for starting a community school run into stumbling blocks when some neighbors are opposed to sending their children to school. Several encounters with a mean-spirited neighbor are frightening as well as disturbing. As the Pladsons struggle to start a family, two homeless children are welcomed into their lives bringing unexpected joy.

Born in Topeka, Kansas, Brown has lived in Oregon from the age of nine. It is obvious her meticulous research lends an authentic feel to the story describing early ranch life, foods, furnishings, social mores of the times, and landscape. For The Sake of Hannah, a phrase created by the author for the character Jocelyn, is peppered throughout the story rather than using the traditional phrase For Pity's Sake. This adds more originality to the story.

Brown's story unfolds slowly and deliberately while setting the stage for storyline, character development, and motives. As tensions rise in the community over cattle rustling, a deliberately set fire, injustice, and even a death, suspicions abound. The pace picks up and several storylines intersect. I found the ending satisfying as my suspicions were confirmed.

There are so many things to love about “Tangled Times.” Brown creates believable characters. It's an engaging read with a strong woman character who prevails over adversity. Jocelyn's determination, loyalty, resilience, perseverance, passion and independent spirit are attributes to be admired as she figures out her way in the world. With her husband Pete's steadfast love, they are able to face challenges and look toward a hopeful future.

Irene Bennett Brown's fan club readers can rejoice as Book Three is in the works with the same characters reprising their roles and some new ones introduced.

Irene Bennett Brown is an award-winning author who enjoys using Kansas, where she was born, as background for her historical novels. Previous to her eleven novels for adults, Brown authored nine young adult novels. They include Before the Lark winner of the Western Writers of America Spur Award, nomination for the Mark Twain Award and other honors. Her Nickel Hill series, Book One Miss Royals Mules, winner of the Will Rogers Medallion Award and Book Two Tangled Times are an adult continuation of Before the Lark. She lives with her husband, Bob, a retired research chemist, on two fruitful acres along the Santiam River in Oregon. Visit her website at


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