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Monday, November 22, 2010

Some Lucky Finds

Note: Please refer to blog: Keeping Up written on November 2. This blog updated you on previous Rocky Socky adventures with his friends Will and Holokai. In Part One we left off with Will wanting to get a jump start on his holiday shopping with plans to return to Sockland. He was busy cutting out coupons from the Sockland Gazette and making a wish list of items for his friends when he suddenly spied...
Part Two: The Perfect Gift
Will talking to himself as he scans the newspaper. "Oh my gosh-how perfect is this! I know Rocky Socky will really like these. And I can even use this coupon: buy two and get the third one free. He is so into this genealogy stuff."
Since there was no school with a holiday coming, Will wasted no time getting to the bus stop hoping he could catch the 10:00 run to the Sockland Mall. He ran furiously down the street just as Sockland Express was pulling to the curb. "Hi, Rocky Socky. Wow look how crowded your bus is already. Looks like lots of others want to do some early holiday shopping just like me."
"Hey, Will how are you? I have missed seeing you the past few weeks. Holokai keeps asking when are you coming over."
"Tell Holokai to keep on thinking up some new tricks to improve his act. We are really going to be busy at the SockMart all through December. In fact that is one reason I am going to Sockland Mall. I need to get my shopping done early. Being Holokai's manager keeps me busier that I thought."
Will settled into his seat thinking about his list. It seemed like time just flew when he heard Rocky Socky yell,"Sockland Mall! Sockland Mall!"
As he entered Sockland, Will found himself changing from his usual size to a very small size. Even after all these trips to Sockland he still felt funny with his new smaller body size. Will made a beeline for the bookstore. He spent time searching the shelves for books. Will found ones on the history of red-heeled monkeys, how to make red heel monkeys, craft ideas on what to do with single socks, sock monkey stories and many more. Will selected three he knew Rocky Socky would just love. Will was quite interested himself in learning more about the Red Heel Monkey Shelter.
As Will moved out to the inner Mall he couldn't resist stopping for a treat at the kiosk. Fairy Cloud, one of his favorites, is something he can never resist.
All Rights Reserved Ready 2010
Dear Readers,
I am happy to report Will was lucky to get us the recipe.

Fairy Cloud
(light-airy-melts in your mouth)

Almond Macaroon Meringue

Makes 4 servings


  • 8 crushed macaroon cookies (use food processor)
  • 1-cup milk
  • 3 large eggs (separated)
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ package (envelope) of Knox unflavored gelatin (about ½ TB.)
  • 2 TB. milk
  • 1 cup of heavy cream whipped
  • 2 TB. Kahlua
  • ½ tsp. almond extract


  • Scald 1 cup of milk in saucepan-cool slightly (off burner)
  • In a bowl beat egg yolks and sugar
  • Pour 1 TB. scalding milk into egg yolks then whisk egg mixture and milk together in saucepan
  • Cook on stove till mixture coats back of wooden spoon
  • Soften gelatin in 2 TB. of milk and add to custard mixture in saucepan
  • Cook on low heat 1-2 minutes (do not let mixture boil)
  • Pour custard mixture in bowl, add 2 TB. Kahlua, and ½ tsp. almond extract
  • Cover with wax paper for about 30 minutes to cool
  • Beat egg whites in a separate bowl
  • Beat whip cream in separate bowl
  • Gently fold egg whites and whip cream mixture together
  • Add custard to whip cream/egg white mixture
  • Layer in the following manner:
  • In each parfait glass (I used martini glasses) sprinkle 1 TB-2Tb cookie mixture in bottom of glass, add some custard mixture, more crushed cookies and rest of custard mixture, on top sprinkle crushed almonds
  • Refrigerate till serving

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