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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Going Wild Under The Hunter's Moon

The World According to Bella
"October's full moon is known as the Hunter's Moon. There is no denying that the power and allure of the moon is huge for many. So if you should happen to be outside in the dark listen carefully for the the wild hunt could be fast approaching. The huntsman and his pack are out there roaming the night battling great evil . And if you happen to catch a glimpse of them you must run, run, run as fast as you can to escape the merciless beasts or you could be torn into pieces."
My doggie hair was practically standing on end listening to this scary tale. I was just happy to be safe inside and not near any beasts who could shred me into pieces. I snuggled into my quilt and quickly fell fast asleep.
Several hours well past midnight my tummy began to hurt and I began to pace frantically back and forth trying to get my owner's attention. I needed to go out and NOW!! before I had an accident. While I was tethered outside eerie sounds filled the air like wailing and mournful cries. The moonlight was so bright I could see shadows of something way out in the yard. I gave my best woof-woof at whatever was out there. I wanted it to be GONE. Well my owner now was quite annoyed with all the commotion, dragged me in, flipped off the yard light and told me sternly its way past bedtime.
But I just couldn't sleep with my tummy aching. I knew I was close to having another accident. I paced again and again hoping to get my owner's attention. Well the bad part was I needed OUT every hour on the hour. This went on and on till early morning when the last time I wanted OUT my owner just opened the door and slammed it shut. Yikes!!! I was free and not even tethered. I could not believe it. I ran for the woods. I needed to know what was out there making the noises. I was sure my woof-ruff-woof-ruff would scare anything away. When no one came to find me I knew it was time to go home. Peaks of sun were now coming up over the lake and I was exhausted from roaming the woods for hours. It was not one bit fun anymore! I wanted inside. I settled down on the porch hoping they would remember to bring me in soon out of the cold. But as time passed I began to wonder what happened. Did they fall asleep waiting for me to return?

Butternut Squash Risotto


  • 2 TB. Olive oil
  • ½ medium onion chopped finely
  • ½ medium butternut squash peeled and cut into ½ inch pieces
  • 2 cloves of garlic finely minced
  • 1 cup Arborio rice
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 3 –1/2 cups low sodium chicken broth or vegetable broth
  • 1 tsp. thyme
  • 1 tsp. parsley flakes
  • ½ cup Romano grated cheese
  • optional pea pods


  • Spray cookie sheet with PAM-preheat oven @ 375
  • In a single layer place squash cubes-drizzle lightly with butter
  • Mix ½ tsp cinnamon with 2 TB. brown sugar and sprinkle over squash
  • Bake uncovered 10 minutes
  • While squash is in oven in a large fry pan brown onion with garlic in olive oil keep pan covered,stir occasionally for about 6 minutes on medium heat
  • Add prebaked squash, salt and pepper to taste and cook covered about 6 minutes
  • Stir in rice and cook uncovered for one minute
  • Add wine and simmer until absorbed about 8-10 minutes
  • Add half of the chicken broth (1 ¾ cups) simmer stirring once till liquid absorbed *see note
  • Add rest of broth stirring once until rice is tender and creamy
  • Add cheese and thyme and parsley-stir briefly and serve-may need to add more grated cheese

Note: *I added pea pods for a little more substance to the dish and color-add when putting in the first 1-3/4 cups of chicken broth

the photo posted is for next posting: Lasagna Bolognese

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