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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Faded Memories

It was disheartening to return to the lake (only after a 5 day hiatus and even my daughter was here for two of them) to find out that our recently installed gnome security system had failed!! I mentioned it in blog from July 31. This malfunction I am sorry to say caused an invitation for open grazing in the vicinity for mainly deer. The Tiger Lily, Hydrangea, and Sunflower blooms are now all but a memory. And to think I had carefully nurtured these plants all summer long.
So I was forced to look at old photos to remind me of their once beautiful state. Check out ones I posted.
Now Vincent Van Gogh seemed to have an abundance of sunflowers at his disposal when painting his sunflower series in 1889 Arles, France. I have been told to drive down US 12 near Saline, Michigan for a visual treat of sunflower fields along the road or go to Provence, France. Perhaps I need to quickly plan some trip to catch sight of these stately blooms. The France one sounds the best!
But what I really wonder is what type of security system owners of sunflower fields employ to preserve their flowers from being a snack during a midnight raid???

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