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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Flag Day

Flag Day is celebrated June 14th. Some basic stars and stripes information to refresh your memory.

Who first began promoting the idea of setting aside a day to honor the United States national flag?A school teacher. Bernard Cigrand, a school teacher in 1886, is popularily credited with promoting a national celebration of the flag. He later became a dentist, and continued his efforts to rally national attention to the flag.

Which US president set aside a special day for honoring the flag?
Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson established June 14th as Flag Day in 1916, but it wasn't until August of 1949 that Congress officially established Flag Day.

Which state became the first to honor Flag Day as a state holiday?
Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was the first, and as at 2010 the only, state to recognize Flag Day as a state holiday. They began celebrating the observance of the national flag on June 14, 1937. 
Flag Day is not a federal holiday, which seems odd, considering that it is the day the country honors its national flag.

What year did the United States flag add its fiftieth star?
1960. When Hawaii joined the United States in 1959, it became state number 50, and represented the fiftieth star on the flag; however, the fiftieth star was added the following year in 1960.

How many red stripes are there and how many white?
7 red, 6 white. Originally a stripe was added for each new state, but as more and more states joined the union it was decided to keep to thirteen to honor the original thirteen colonies; however, a star would represent each state.

Celebrate the day with some red, white and blue treats easy to assemble. Perhaps these easy food images will inspire your creativity in the kitchen.

Halved strawberry filled with whipped low fat cream cheese and a blueberry

Top your favorite cupcakes with vanilla frosting and fresh fruit

Use prepared fillo shells (Athens brand) and add a yogurt filling topped with fresh fruit

1 cup fat free vanilla Greek yogurt
2 TB. honey
1 TB. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Alternate strawberries, cubed white cheese, raspberries with a cup of blueberries.

Have you heard that cinnamon can have an effect on your appetite?
Cinnamon has a number of potential health benefits. According to the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, cinnamon may help in the treatment of type-2 diabetes because the spice can mimic insulin. Since insulin is the hormone that changes excess sugar into fat, it is reasonable to conclude that cinnamon can help prevent weight gain. Additionally, cinnamon slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine, which can help you feel full longer and decrease appetite.

So you might consider using more cinnamon in your cooking :)

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