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Monday, October 13, 2014


  • Driving through Vermont you’ll notice one huge difference from the rest of the nation—there are no billboards. Since 1968, the state has banned billboards in order to preserve Vermont’s natural beauty. Road signs are strictly controlled and you won’t see exit signs with logos for McDonalds or Texaco. Even signs on a company’s own premises are carefully regulated. The ban has been a boon for tourism, since visitors can come to the state without worrying about their views being obscured by ugly signage.
  • Lake Champlain, which runs almost the entire length of the border between New York and Vermont, is the sixth largest interior body of water in the United States—only the Great Lakes are bigger.
  • Vermont is the largest producer of maple syrup in the United States, churning out 35% of the nation’s supply.
  • Ben & Jerry’s might be an internationally recognized brand now, but they still have their headquarters in Vermont. Vermont farmers occasionally feed their hogs waste from Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Company. The hogs inhale all the flavors except Mint Oreo. (this is a true fact)
  • The smallest state capital in the U.S. is Montpelier, Vermont with a population of less than 9,000. 
  • Vermont has the greatest number of dairy cows in the U.S. in terms of the ratio of cows to people.
  • New Hampshire and New York claimed Vermont at various times.
  • Vermont's nickname is "The Green Mountain State." 


How strange that nature does not knock and yet does not intrude.

by Emily Dickinson

After the early morning fog lifted we were on our way.
First stop: Billings Farm and Museum, Woodstock Vermont which is an operating dairy farm. The farm also has sheep, horses and chickens, a 1890 farm house, Vermont farm life exhibits and theater. I loved the sheep and cows.
These sheep reminded me of Bella as they burrowed into their freshly dug holes. 

A visit to Simon Pearce brought a few surprises. An amazing meal with 

Vermont Cheddar Vegetarian Quiche

Butternut Squash Bisque
 and Creme Brulee.
followed by a glass blowing demonstration.
The town of Woodstock wore its finest autumn dress for our tour today.


Many of the homes and buildings in this charming town were Federal style.

A bell made by Paul Revere.
This kaleidoscope of colored leaves caught my attention 
as well as this view from behind a church. 
The tour's final destination was a demonstration of maple syrup production at Green Mountain Sugar House
 and this was mine.

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to travel to Vermont. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pix and info about this state.

    I love all the decorations w/ flowers and pumpkins. I wish more Minnesota communities decorated like this. That last photo with the lawn chairs is stunning in view and composition. You need to enlarge and frame this one.



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