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Monday, September 14, 2015

The World According to Bella and A Tomato Galette

Here I am on walk #3 waiting for Mrs. S. who walks too slow. 
Boot Camp
Its only been 3 days since my visit with Dr. Steve. Let me tell you I am starving! Every night I wake up in the middle of the night with sharp hunger pains.  All I do is dream about food wishing I had more. I guess Mr. C and Mrs. S are really serious about me losing weight. My food bowl is not full, I'm not seeing any extra snacks and now I am up to 3 walks a day! I am not sure I'll last 8 weeks with so little food. Even my secret admirer who sent treats through the mail has stopped. Mrs. S keeps cooking and I still keep hoping for food drops. She did break down yesterday and gave me some sugar snap peas-my very favorite. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse I got sick. I guess I ate too much grass. I laid around a lot today and am feeling better. Now we are on fox alert here. Tonight on my THIRD walk of the day a fox ran right in front of me. I was off in hot pursuit but never did catch up to it.  
If you are reading this blog perhaps you would consider sending me a small treat in an enveloped addressed to BELLA. I check for mail everyday. 
Love, Bella
Tomato Galette
Cook's notes: This recipe was adapted from Midwest Living and serves 4.
A prepackaged pie crust can be substituted for a homemade crust. Italian sausage would be a savory addition to the galette.
  • 1 traditional/regular pie crust rolled to a 10 inch circle (about the size of a dinner plate)  
  • 3 TB. fine dry bread crumbs mixed with 1 TB. Italian herbs (use a food processor for this step) 
  • thinly sliced tomatoes
  • sea salt
  • green and yellow peppers, finely diced
  • snipped basil leaves 
  • diced shallots
  • crumbled semi soft goat cheese
  • grated Parmesan cheese
  • optional cooked, crumbled Italian sausage
  • egg wash
  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Slice tomatoes and place on a paper towel. Sprinkle tomatoes with sea salt and let sit 20 minutes. 
  • Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. 
  • Roll crust out out on a floured piece of wax paper. Transfer crust to parchment paper. 
  • Sprinkle with bread crumbs leaving a 2 inch border. 
  • Layer tomatoes, peppers, shallots and sausage if adding to galette.  Grate Parmesan over the mixture.
  • Fold crust over filling, pleating as necessary and leaving some filling exposed in the center. 

Crumble goat cheese over the top and sprinkle with snipped basil leaves.
Brush on egg wash over exposed crust. Grate Parmesan cheese over the crust. 
Bake 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 400 degrees and bake 20 minutes.
Let cool before cutting with a serrated knife or pastry wheel.
It'a good idea to salt tomatoes and dry them on a paper towel for 20-30 minutes or in a colander to squeeze out the moisture.Tomatoes give off a lot of liquid as they bake and presalting intensifies the flavor of the tomatoes. 

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