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Sunday, November 19, 2017

The World According to Bella

If  you are reading this and it's past Sunday you can assume I made it through another deer season safely.  It helped I spent three weeks in the cities but I will have to say it was three very long boring weeks. Not much excitement to report except for those darn turkeys who kept on dashing by the window. I wanted in the worst way to chase after them but all I could do was go crazy at the window and bark and bark.   
My three week highlight outside of daily walks to the dog park were Sadie and Luna's visit. Mr. C and Mrs. S were on doggie duty watching them for the day. And you need to keep a careful watch on those two as they are busy, busy, busy. 

They came bursting into the house, flying here, there and everywhere exploring the house just happy to be out of their kennels for the day. I just sat under the table, my usual spot, watching it all. When Sadie rolled out my ball and started chewing I had had enough. Lucky Mrs. S was watching closely and took my favorite toy away.  
 The turkeys made another dash past the house which caught their attention. 

Sadie and Luna sure were happy to be at our house. They never stopped moving, it was exhausting to watch. I was happy to hear when Mr. C announced it was time for a walk. I was afraid he had forgotten it was our usual time. 
This walk required three leashes 
and Mrs. S's help. We followed behind as it was difficult to keep up with Mr. C who was moving rather quickly to keep up with Sadie and Luna.  
Mrs. S and I were impressed along the way that Sadie and Luna were able to both pee at the same time! 

After a VERY LONG walk Mr. C had a treat for us. 
They did settle down but quickly lost interest in their raw hides, but not me. 
I carried on for a very long time. Perhaps I should have taken a pass on this extra treat as 
when I got to the lake my vest 
was a very tight squeeze.

Love, Bella

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