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Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Second Chance

Chapter Eight: Making Amends
The manager of The Sock Mart could see that Holokai was quite upset. He motioned for them to sit on chairs near his desk.
"Well, Holokai I did not expect to see you back here today," said the manager.
"I...I...I...I...'t have taken these socks," stammered Holokai taking deep breaths trying not to cry again.
" I haaaave sssssome money to pay." Holokai pushed some coins towards the manager on his desk.
"I can see why you wanted these socks since they do have a monkeys on them. How about I take your money and you keep the socks. Wear them Saturday for your first day on the job," said the manager.
Holokai sat up a little straighter in the chair and was beginning to feel just a bit better. This was good news. He was sure he had lost this new job for taking the socks before he even got a chance to prove himself worthy of it. "I promise I will never, never, never take anything again! And I know I can do a good job for you!"
The manager looked at him and said, "As long as you are here, let's talk about this new job. I would like you to work our busiest store times. The hours will be Saturday 10:00-2:00 and Sunday noon till 3:00. You can decide how to entertain the crowd on the sock tree in the display window. But remember... you can not have anyone else climb up on the tree. Also you can not give any socks away. We have planned a drawing each day for a pair of monkey socks just like this pair you have. You will be able to draw the name and give a pair away to whoever has the winning number."
"Ohhhhhhh that does sound fun," said Holokai in a very excited voice.
"Holokai, I will bring you here with Will on the Sockland Express Bus. Will has to stay with you and make sure everything goes well," said Rocky Socky.
Holokai bounced off his seat and right up on the manager's desk. Wrapped his arms around the manager's neck and said, "Thank you, thank you. I will do good. I promise!"
Rocky Socky thanked the manager for being so understanding. He grabbed Holokai's arm and exited quickly before Holokai could think of more trouble to cause. He was beginning to wonder how this new job would work out with The Sock Mart. He did not have a good feeling about it.

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