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Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Word Is Out

Spring has arrived Up North.
What a difference one week can make. Last weekend was the earliest ever for us to take the canoe out on the lake. Actually we had the lake to ourselves and only encountered a solitary loon. But this weekend was another story. With the arrival of more loons, seagulls and boaters the lake was a busy place.
Spring in some ways is a lot like the start of a new year: a time of new beginnings and changes. People seem more energized being outside, eager to start projects and tackle some cleaning. After the weekenders left a sense of quietness seems to prevail over the North woods. So imagine my surprise when the quietness was interrupted by faint whistling. Following the sounds led me into the woods right up to the door of the fairy cottage at the base of a large oak tree. But common sense told me it's best not disturb the wee folk. Perhaps they were inside doing their spring cleaning. Judging from all the debris around the cottage I could see they have plenty of outdoor work to do. Check out the photos I posted.
As for me, I took a break from my spring cleaning to continue reading a new book The Postmistress. It is such a thought provoking book crafted by Sarah Blake. This expansive epic takes the reader back into the early 1940's as the war raged in Europe. The story is told through the eyes of three women: a newlywed, a young American reporter in Britain and a local postmistress in Massachusetts. I found the premise of the story intriguing that two of the women find themselves unable to deliver the news and one women is desperately waiting for the news. As you might guess their lives intertwine. A word of caution: If you start reading your spring housecleaning will probably be put on hold!

1 comment:

  1. We really have been quite lucky lately with this early Spring. I spent last weekend up in Duluth and really enjoyed the warm weather!



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