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Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekend Recap

Chapter 18
Written by Rocky Socky
So you probably wondering just what did I see out my side mirrors pulling out of the Sock Mart lot on Saturday??? Well much to my surprise it was a 2 foot Sock Monkey! Now maybe you think 2 feet is not all that tall but you have to remember when you enter Sockland you shrink to the size of a fairy which is about 6-8 inches so 2 feet is quite tall. I heard later that day from Will that several fairies and gnomes stood on each other shoulders to fill up the sock monkey suit. The gigantic sock monkey wore a sign advertising the coupon specials and circulated throughout the store. Sock Mart sales soared over the weekend. And my bus was packed both Saturday and Sunday for all the runs with happy customers who had bags stuffed with sock specials and jewelry items.
But I heard the real excitement was the show staged by Will. The juggling acts by Holokai, Palti and Kai dazzled the crowd. Will was quite clever to add in music to build suspense when the sock monkeys did their trapeze acts from the sock tree. At he end of each performance Will introduced all of the sock monkeys. The hourly drawing for monkey socks kept the crowd attentive with anticipation. Will told me to expect an article this week in the Sockland Gazette since a representative was there writing about this big event.
Next weekend I have off and you can be sure I will be at the Sock mart. I need to see all this first hand.

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