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Monday, January 7, 2013

The World According to Bella

When I saw all the signs of packing, I began to pace. I didn't want to be left behind. Then I saw my bag in the car I was hopeful Mr. C and Mrs. S were taking me along. After what seemed like a very long time Mr. C rolled the window down. One whiff of the lake air I knew where we were headed. And soon my excellent adventure would begin. 
The first thing I did after leaping out of the car was make my usual bunny check near the porch to see if anything was under there. While Mr. C and Mrs. S marveled at all these ice houses on the lake my nose begin to twitch. Fish smells filled my nostrils. And so began my hunt. Piles of fish skins scattered about the lake was just too much for me.

I lost control. What a feast. I could not help myself.   
This is me after two days of being really, really sick. Seems I swallowed whole a 12 inch fish skin!!! Of course Mr. C and Mrs S were none too pleased. Guess I made a bit of mess in the house for them to clean up. And Mr.C was unhappy those ice anglers were messy and did not pick up after themselves.
My excellent adventure came to a screeching halt. Maybe I should just stick with the dog park. It might be safer. 

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