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Friday, June 3, 2016

A Twist to the Potluck Lunch

Here's a new twist to your next potluck gathering. Recently I was invited to a potluck book exchange. Requirements: a muffin tin, a side dish to share and some books to exchange.  
This was a "first for me" bringing an empty muffin tin to a lunch, filling it with my food choices and then eating from the tin. Think of it as like an indoor picnic and it's something kids who are picky eaters would enjoy. 
Some additional benefits include; good portion control provided you don't go back for seconds,if a fussy eater no need to worry about your food touching or running together, offers a variety of healthy choices and just plain fun way to eat a meal.,   
Do you remember the Storm of Protest that erupted November 20, 2014 when  The New York Times Food Section featured a state by state guide to traditional Thanksgiving dishes and their choice for Minnesota was Grape Salad? Soon after the article came out an eruption of tweets blew up on Twitter over their odd choices for some states especially Minnesota.
Here is a link to a Star Tribune article cleverly titled The Grapes of Our Wrath:Recipe sets off a tirade.
Well at this potluck lunch the 'much discussed' grape salad made an appearance on the buffet table.

Another first for me since I've never tried this salad that supposedly is a popular Minnesota food item. 
Here's a link to Bernie's grape salad. Give it a try you may want to bring it to your next potluck gathering. It's tasty and easy to put together. 
There are many online recipe ideas for using the versatile muffin tin.
Skinny Lasagna Cups
Pepperoni Puffs
26 Mini Snacks to make in a muffin tin.

Some visual images that show  how versatile and creative you can be using a muffin tin. 


  1. What an intriguing idea. Of course, I remember the Grape Salad controversy.

    What books did you get?

  2. I love this idea! This is great tool to use with kids too. Thanks for sharing!



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