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Thursday, June 8, 2017

The World According to Bella

Some Unexpected Happenings

If you are looking for me this summer you may find me either on yard patrol or inside under the table enjoying the AC. It's been warm out and I wish I didn't have to wear a fur coat. 
Yard patrol has kept me pretty busy. Mrs. S's flowers are in and they do need protection from intruders who come through our yard. It takes a lot of barking from me scaring them off several times during the day and well into the night. I've been known to be in a sound sleep at night, hear something and insist someone let me outside to make a yard check. So when Mr. C told me we were going to the cities I tried to tell him I was not in favor of this trip. I feared the worst leaving the yard unprotected. But since I don't like being left behind I hopped in the car. I just hope Mr. C and Mrs. S realize what damage can be done in three days when I am not there to do my job.  

The best part about a trip to the cities is being able to go to the dog park. On the first day I got a car ride there with Mrs. S. But she was not amused when I ran off exploring a nearby swamp and came back covered with mud. It did take her a long  time to clean off my legs and paws which seemed to have gotten very black. On day two Mr. C took me to the park. He had better luck. He used my chuckit and I did not go near  the swamp. Day three left me dazed and confused.  

Mr. C returned from a shopping trip with a large package. I was confused. It was not my birthday nor was it a holiday. When he took it out of the package I was even more confused. Why would Mr. C bring Sadie's bed to our house? Didn't she want it anymore? I just sat there waiting and wondering what was going on. When I heard Mr. C tell Mrs. S about the bargain he got with 40% off I started to think maybe just maybe this might really be mine a new memory foam orthopedic bed. I sniffed it several times, circled it a few times and tested the comfort level before giving it my Bella approval. I thought I had died and gone to heaven with such a gift. Lucky me it's just the right size. 

It does make up for losing boating privileges for one whole month. Last week I finally got on board. I was on my best behavior trying not to bark too much so I'll be invited back on.  
Wait! There's one more good thing that happened I need to tell you. I got mail from Chunk. As you can see I did not waste any time opening it. I love mail!
 Love, Bella

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