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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Just One More Cookie Please

Dust Pan Cookies
Cook's Notes: I am not sure of the "why" but of all the food posts I  have done in past 11 years this one remains the most popular when looking at statistics count. It has tons of   possibilities making your favorite cookie recipe with a brand new dustpan as your creative gift bag. There is a printable poem to run off using the link below.
And this was my favorite cookie from 2018 Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

It's official...We have the keys! Christmas came early. We have a house in AZ.
Note Christmas decorations abound even in the desert 
with creative Christmas cactus decorating. 


  1. Congratulations on getting those keys to a house in a climate considerably warmer and sunnier than Minnesota. So happy for you two!

    1. Thanks we are so excited to begin a new chapter


Weekend Round-Up the Irish Way

  Add a "wee bit of luck" to your weekend with Irish-themed recipes to celebrate during the upcoming week.  Colcannon  is a tradit...