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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Up The Mountain

Chapter Six: Sunrise Views
Today's riddle:What is...?
1. Over 10,000 feet high and above the clouds.
2. Tourists are known to drive there in the middle of the night.
3. It is the 4th best viewing place on this planet.
4. Can be both terrifying, exhilarating and breathtaking all at the same time.
Give up? Answer: Mt. Haleakala's inactive volcano

"I had some misgivings about this trip on Wednesday after yesterday's experience on the road to Hana! But it was part of the agenda and I had to keep up. I also thought it's quite unnatural to leave in the pitch black at 4:30 AM to drive up a mountain over 10,000 feet high. Witnessing the sunrise at the summit is quite an attraction for Maui tourists. I had a hard time napping in the van while Tomio drove us up and around, winding zig-zagging to reach the top. Imagine my surprise to see such a crowd of over 100 people poised with their cameras waiting for daybreak and the perfect photo and it was not even 6:00! Since it was cold and windy they were bundled up in coats, sweaters and blankets. I even saw someone draped with a Hawaiian bedspread to keep warm. The moon was still up and high and part of the sky seemed clear. As the sun rose at precisely 6:38 AM, cameras flashed, the crowd went ooh and aah and even some began singing. As the day brightened up the views of the clouds high over the eroded volcano were amazing. We could even see the islands of Hawaii, Maui and Lanai. It did surprise me how quickly everyone left for their long trek down the mountain. It was fine with us so we did not have to rush taking our photos. On the way down at a overlook we spotted a rainbow arched into the valley. Perhaps all these rainbows I have seen are why Hawaii got one of its famous nicknames: The Rainbow State.
I sure hope some of the photos shot today make it into the brochure. After many hours I was ready for a nap. Tomio dropped us off and said he would be back at 6:00 for some sunset pictures. I see Thursday's schedule looks light with a visit to a surf and dive shop and on the beach pictures. I wonder if they will come up with a surf board just my size for me?

1 comment:

  1. The views atop Haleakala are spectacular no matter what time of day. It is truly a gift to have been there.



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