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Friday, November 2, 2012

NIce Revisited

Touring the city of Nice certainly is enhanced with the help of a guide. Yesterday we were on our own today was another story. I will post pictures with some comments.
The Greeks were followed by the Roman,then Italians, now Russians with money have been influential in the culture and architecture of Nice. 
 Italian influence
This building was used early on by men and women as a place to shower since bathrooms originally were not a part of their homes.
Wood Fire grilled pizza crust made with chickpeas.
Postal mail delivered by bike.
 These two pictures are from the Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial.  This is a cemetery that is maintained by the United States to pay tribute to those Americans who died in Southern France during World War II,  August 1944. The graves are divided into four plots surrounding an oval center pool. Olive trees are among 861 headstones.  

My husband thought you should know I am keeping up with my writing. Sometime ago I read this great article on poetry and postcards. The author of the article wrote postcards home to himself reflecting on certain things he had seen throughout his trip. He used these postcard reflections for his poetry or other writing experiences when he returned. So I took it upon myself to try this writing challenge.
 This is Vincent van gogh's painting Starry Night over Rhone 1888. The ship has docked in Arles, where van gogh lived and painted. On the sundeck of the boat you can face the very bridge and scene he painted. Now that is a SURREAL experience!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you have the energy to write after a day of touring. When we were in Italy in September, we walked our feet off and were ready to crash at the end of each day. I loved the woodfired pizza crusts we had in Italy. It looks like they do the same in France. Pizza toppings in Italy were very light - olive oil, a sprinkling of cheese, some basil leaves and a few tomato slices. It was really all about the bread (crust). Are you finding the same in France?



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