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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Expand Your Vocabulary

"It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"
a Winnie-the-Pooh quote

It's always good to expand your knowledge and use of words. You will be able to communicate (speak and write) more clearly and concisely and people will understand you better. Besides think of learning new words as a fun activity.  And here's another thought learning new words might even improve your Scrabble scores.

With that being said I recently came across two new words that sent me scurrying to the dictionary and then to the Internet to find their meanings. The word scrying (no, I did not misspell it) came from Karen in my writer's group who used this word in her story. When I confessed I had never heard it she suggested I need to read more YA fantasy novels because the word is used frequently.
scrying is the act of peering into either a crystal ball, a bowl of water or stones, fire, glass or  smoke and seeing visions. The scryer than interprets the visions and predicts the future. 
I have read every Harry Potter book and surely this word must have been there somewhere. I guess I missed it. But kudos to Karen for stumping me :) 

Linda Lein's (Lake Region Writers Network webmaster and contributing writer, author and writing coach) article Ekphrastic:Writing About Art  was enlightening. It was posted February 1, 2013. Follow this link for the complete article.
Linda states that Ekphrastic writing is a piece of literature that is about a piece of art, for example a poem about a painting. In the article she cites examples of a poet and songwriter/singer who found inspiration in Vincent van Gogh's painting Starry Night. One produced a poem and the other a song. 
She challenged the reader to try Ekphrastic Writing by finding a piece of art and writing about it.
So this magnificent painted bull will be a perfect inspiration for my next poem.
He firmly stands outside the Franklin Arts Center in Brainerd, MN and does not seem to mind the snow and cold. The building is an old junior high school that has been transformed by Artspace (a non-profit real estate developer for the arts) into a multipurpose arts center with studios, galleries, art organizations and art friendly businesses. Part of the building is designated work/live apartments. If you happen to be in the area be sure to check it out.  There are a lot of creative talents housed in this building. 
 Crossing Arts Alliance has an office in this building. They recently sponsored an exhibition Poetry on the Wall. I was one of the 20 featured poets and since I missed their reception and poetry reading I wanted to see the poetry display.
This was one of my three poems displayed titled The Call is Out. 
Here is a clearer copy...  
The Call is Out
“Come one, come all,”
 their voices sang.
Circling, diving, gliding
over rooftops, wires,
and even nearby shores.

The flocks began to swell
with electrifying speed,
soaring to dizzying heights.

Pelicans, pigeons, skimmers,
herons, cranes and seagulls,
just to name a few.

With their feathered suits,
preened and pressed,
they lined the pier
with stately grace.

As the ship’s horn bellowed
into the evening fog,
a signal the vessel
had just returned.

There they perched
an army of birds
in military formation
welcoming the crew
from a day at sea.
by Sue Ready
The poem was based on this picture I took in Rockport, Texas, February 2012

Another Winnie-the Pooh quote
I am a bear of very little brain, and long words bother me. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember that photo. And did you publish the poem here, too? Lovely pairing.Congratulations on being a featured poet.

    Last year I was part of the Poet-Artist Collaboration at Crossings at Carnegie in Zumbrota in which artists created art based on selected poems. I've also written poems inspired by photos. It's really fun and truly stretches my creativity.



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