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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hackensack Chainsaw Carving Event

Chainsaw carving is a unique art form gaining in popularity. Hackensack, a small town of around 300, hosted the popular chainsaw carving event this past weekend. 10 artists participated turning white pine logs into sculptures. I was at the auction but just as an observer. Since it seemed like all bidding started at $250.00 I decided the going prices were a bit out of my price range for outdoor art for the lake especially since some sculptures went for over $1,200 and more. 
Old school chainsaw carvers used to create their works of art with just a chainsaw. But today modern chainsaw carvers have a variety of tools at their disposal which include: grinder, sanding disc attachment, a scroll saw, a burning tool, a set of chisels and a drill or screw gun. 
It was a bit tricky to get good pictures because the audience was all seated behind the yellow ribbon.

This sculptured piece went for $350.00. A very elderly man sitting next to me bought it. When I asked what he was going to do with it he shrugged his shoulders and said wasn't sure. When another piece came up and he wanted to bid on it his wife said "That's enough!" 
So while I was being entertained watching this auctioneer do his stuff my husband was off in a nearby field trying to launch this remote controlled plane. He was not successful. 

1 comment:

  1. Laughing, at the lack of flying success and the elderly man curtailed by his wife. What talent those chainsaw artists possess.



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