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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Torremolinos to Malaga

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. 
-Pablo Picasso
Malaga, the main city of coastal Andalucia, is Picasso’s birthplace. It was also a popular winter holiday destination for the 19th century wealthy. It has a distinctive Spanish flavor with twisting narrow streets and lovely waterfront promenade. 
Photo-overlooking Malaga from the bluffs
A look down Malaga's streets.
Minnesotans might consider 50 degrees a bit cool for al fresco dining but not the Spaniards.
They enjoy food, espressos, cappuccinos and conversations all day and well into the evening hours in the outdoor cafes.   
This photo was taken in the plaza in front of Piccaso's home across the street. Look for green shutters in the building on the right. 
Lucky for me Picasso is not a tall person as we seem to be almost the same size.
A person with celebrity status is actor Antonio Banderas  who was also born here and has a penthouse home in this building. 

He has endeared himself to the natives with his efforts to ensure the continuation of the Malaga Film Festival (an annual film festival established to promote Spanish cinema and help disseminate information about Spanish films).
Photo of Malaga Theater
Apparently movie theaters are closing in the city centers and moving to the outskirts much like in the United States. 

Part of the Grand Circle Tour experience is a home hosted  lunch. We were bused to a small town of 300 inhabitants, Salinas, and divided up among six homes. It was quite the experience lunching at a home where the family DOES NOT speak English. We met four generations who were so happy to share their home and food. 
This photo is in front of their home.  
 This is the host family who welcomed us into their home.
Missing from picture was the little two year old off on a nap and great grandma 101 years old upstairs who we met later.  Gosh, I love the relaxed lifestyle families have with a mid afternoon lunch (2 hours) and grandpa came to meet us and to enjoy his vino. Oh my, this was a SEVEN course meal.  Thank heavens we don't do this every day. 
We began with a meat appetizer (prosciutto and salami) plate and an olive tray, a standard Spaniard dish. 
Next was a vegetable/fruit salad
followed by homemade chicken soup with pieces of hard boiled eggs and homemade fried croutons
mixed vegetables(carrots, green and garbanzo beans)
a warm potato salad 
full yet?? pork stew
and now for the dessert-homemade flan
and a dessert tray with sweetbreads and candies and an orange for good luck for the bus ride back just in case we got hungry!

Oh, don't forget the wine and cafe with liqueur to finish off the meal.
I can assure you the tour bus was filled with a lot of sleeping passengers on the way to our next destination. 
Next stop Southern Spain Ronda and Seville.

1 comment:

  1. What a great experience to dine in a home. Love this concept. Why do we not do this in the U.S.?

    And that quote about it.



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