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Monday, March 6, 2017

The World According to Bella

A New Location
Just as I suspected when Mr. C turned and went west I knew we were headed to the land of javelinas, rattlesnakes and coyotes. Definitely not my first choice for vacation!  And a real problem was not having any advance notice so I couldn't shed my fur coat. I'm going to be very warm.

Hotel #1 was good with a milkbone and Mr. C brought my bed in from the car. But by hotel #2 the endless drive had worn me out. I didn't even care there was a milkbone  for me at the front desk. My legs hurt getting in and out of the car all day long for rest stops. I didn't care if I had any exercise.

I cheered up the first day when we arrived with a party invite that included me. On the way to Lucy's house Mrs. S warned me about my behavior and said I should use good manners. She reminded me of last year 's visit when according to her I did not show any self control when I ate Lucy's dinner, polished off her water and chewed on her bone.
When we arrived Lucy was waiting for us out on the patio. While Mr. C and Mrs. S visited Lucy and I ran around the patio IMG_2222 (1)
bella playdate 038
and I checked out the scenery.
I was the perfect guest did not drink or eat her food and even shared a milkbone treat. Lucy and I had fun.  
I have settled in my new home away from home spending my mornings out sunning on the patio and checking out the wildlife.  

I did begin to worry today when Mrs S gave me breakfast. There was hardly any food left not even a whole  scoop. 

But the big brown truck came to the rescue with a delivery for me. 
Any guesses? Mr. C ordered me a 40 pound bag of dog food. Lucky Amazon caries my special brand.  This afternoon a neighbor stopped us on our walk. After we heard about the four javelinas two blocks away that live in the arroyo under the culvert we headed a different direction.
YEAH! Tomorrow I get to go to the dog park. 
Love, Bella

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