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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The World According to Bella

I Love a Boat Parade

Mrs. S was up early decorating for the morning boat parade. As for me I chose to sit up on the hill and wait for the all clear signal. 
They loaded me up before I got on. First my e-collar in case I barked too much and then Mrs. S thought I needed some festive wear. I wasn't too sure who out there would even care.  Before I got on board I checked in with Mr.C.  I needed to make sure he had my usual milk bone treat.  Indeed he did!
 It was a warm and windy day so my ears flapped in the breeze. Some even had trouble  
keeping on their hats but not Mr. C 
Mrs. S struggled to keep her new camera still with all the waves and even some whitecaps. We counted 28 boats. Everyone looked to be having lots of sun waving flags, tooting their boat horns and just plain screaming. After an hour I just had to lay down. My paws were tired holding me as I swayed back and forth and giving everyone on shore my best princess wave.  

After a short nap I was back up on the bow checking out all the boats. I was sure I saw Wally in a  boat that passed by so I gave him a few short barks and he barked back. 
Hope your day was fun too.

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