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Monday, November 9, 2020

Minnesota Author Frank Weber


Frank Weber is a forensic psychologist who has completed assessments for homicide, sexual assault, and domestic abuse cases. He has testified as an expert witness in numerous sexual assault and homicide cases, and written seven different treatment workbooks. Frank has taught college classes on Social Problems and started his own company CORE Professional Services, PA, which specializes in forensic work located in downtown Brainerd, Minnesota. Weber, a forensic psychologist with over 25 years experience, has been allowed access to visit every prison in the state of Minnesota to perform psychological assessments. Weber's qualifications give him a unique understanding of forensic profiles of predators' thought processes, and the trauma of victims. His background lends credibility to his writing as well as giving his characters authentic voices. Weber makes the investigative process in each of his books as real as possible with logistics, dead ends, red herrings, differing opinions and politics.

Weber chooses stories to write about that he is familiar with, tapping into real life experiences. His mystery stories are all inspired by true crimes set in Minnesota towns. Weber is all about family and community. He ties settings in all four of his books to actual places near his home town Pierz, Minnesota, St. Cloud and the Twin Cities area.

Weber's books "Murder Book", "I-94 Murders" and "Last Call" all feature the character Jon Frederick. His role of the neurotic obsessive protagonist continues in Weber's newest book, “Lying Close.” Weber skillfully weaves relevant information and characters from previous books into the current book. Jon's wife Serena plays a larger role as part of the investigative team in this book. Each of Weber's novels can be read as a stand alone without the reading of the prequels.

“Lying Close” begins when a couple’s rural home is broken into in Todd County. Investigator Jon Frederick is sent to investigate a rural hunting accident in neighboring Stearns county. A teen runaway from Minneapolis calls for help in Paynesville and disappears. Three crimes that are not that unusual, had they not all occurred within 30 miles of each other. Jon’s task is to put the puzzle together, while a dangerous predator lurks about central Minnesota. When the case goes cold, Jon realizes someone very close to the investigation has been leaking information. As you venture through the story from each character’s perspective, you realize everyone is kind of lying to someone. In fact someone involved in the investigation is lying making it a major plot line.

“Lying Close” is an action packed thriller novel filled with intrigue, suspense and a cat and mouse guessing game. Each chapter seamlessly switches to a new perspective narrated by a different character with a clearly marked location. This helps readers better understand each character's thoughts and motives as a series of events unfold. A myriad of characters challenge the reader to remain attentive throughout the story. A series of investigative clues develop into several suspenseful relationships. The ongoing inquiry hopes to stop the actions of the perpetrator and ultimately unveil the cracks in the confessions of several lying characters. 

This novel has a few departures from Weber's previous books. He has incorporated the dynamics of the Somalian/Muslim and Christian community relationships. It certainly makes the story more relevant adding in new characters to blend with characters previously found in other books. It seems the author wanted to bring to light the importance of being kind to one another and not compartmentalize people of different ethnic and faith groups with preconceived notions. Another departure was how each chapter was prefaced with a theory. These theories are not essential to solve the mystery, but does engage the reader to think more as the chapter plays out. It was a challenging technique for the author to employ and be successful.

I highly recommend this book for those readers who enjoy a mystery thriller filled with multi-dimensional characters, relevant events, suspense and seeing justice served. Since Weber has given his fans four books with two word titles it will not surprise you his next book is titled “Burning Bridges.” It will be out in 2021.

“Lying Close” is available at CatTales Books and The Crossing Arts Alliance in Brainerd, The Shoppes of Little Falls, and Reds Auto in Pierz. Minnesota. It also can be ordered online at

Frank Weber is represented by Blue Cottage Agency, Krista Rolfzen Soukup, publicist


  1. Great review of Frank's latest True Crime book!

  2. I didn't know Frank had more books out, so thank you for tipping me off. I loved his first. And, since my husband grew up in the Pierz area, these books are of even more interest.



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