In order to reach our next destination from Durango we made our way to Ouray. Unfortunately, it was necessary to go on a harrowing mountainous climb of leaving 6.000 feet to over 11,000 feet and back down. This was not a car ride for the faint-hearted. Lucky for me I had an experienced car driver manning the wheel as the drive was certainly a white-knuckled one. Many switchbacks, 180 degrees turns and no guardrails. Never mind the signs that said watch for rocks, wildlife, avalanches as one just wanted to remain on the road and not fly off the side. We had to go through Red Mountain Pass to reach our destination.
What an engineering feat building this road through the mountains. Hard to believe miners from years ago made this trek. Even an avalanche shed was built to keep the road clear. Red Mountain Pass is a stunning 11,018-foot summit of the Million Dollar Highway in Southwest Colorado. Although the road may be both treacherous and intimidating, adventurous drivers are rewarded with breathtaking views from the top. Colorado’s “Million Dollar Highway” is a 25 mile stretch of U.S. 550 that is consistently rated as one of the most scenic drives in the country. Red Mountain Pass is the highest point on that road. I also might add it is one of the most dangerous sections because of its steep grade and lack of guardrails. Lucky for us we are between seasons and the road was dry. When we reached Ouray I should have bought this shirt but instead, I found comfort at a coffee shop. And look at the dog waiting patiently outside that looks a lot like Bella. A strong espresso drink was just what I needed and I wasn't even, book reviews, recipes, poetry, musings on Up North life, city adventures and travels
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Friday, April 30, 2021
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Durango CO
Stop #1 DURANGO COLORADOALL ABOARDThe historic railway has been in continuous operation between Durango and Silverton since 1882, taking guests on plush vintage steam locomotives through the stunning San Juan National Forest. It is a National Historic Landmark as well as a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark.
Step back in time and experience the sights and sounds of yesteryear. The spring excursion is 5-1/2 hours round trip. The summer route is an 8 hour round trip with a halfway stop at Silverton. The oil-fired steam locomotive chugs its way up and around down on the same track that the miners, settlers and cowboys of the Old West took nearly a century ago.
Masks were required Charley removed his only for photo.
Parts of the ride were a bit harrowing with the steep climb up.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day
You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket. ~John Adams
Poem in Your Pocket Day takes place every year on a designated day during National Poetry Month. Today's the day to celebrate poetry.
Ways to Participate
It's easy to participate in Poem in Your Pocket Day from a safe distance. Here are some ideas of how you might get involved:
Ways to Participate
It's easy to participate in Poem in Your Pocket Day from a safe distance. Here are some ideas of how you might get involved:
- Select a poem and share it on social media using the hashtag #PocketPoem.
- Record a video of yourself reading a poem, then share it on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or another social media platform you use.
- Email a poem to your friends, family, neighbors, or local government leaders.
- Schedule a video chat and read a poem to your loved ones.
- Add a poem to your email footer.
- Read a poem out loud from your porch, window, backyard or outdoor space.
Today offering you two different landscapes that inspire a poetic voice.
Earth, What Will You Give Me?
by Beverly Mc Loughland
Earth, what will you give me
In summer
In summer,
Earth, what will you give me
In summer
I’ll give you my fields
Made of lilies,
Of lilies,
I’ll give you my fields
Made of lilies
And green.
And what will you give me
In autumn
In autumn
And what will you give me
In autumn
So bold?
I’ll give you my leaves
Made of maple,
Of maple,
I’ll give you my leaves
Made of maple
And gold.
And what will you give me
In winter,
In winter,
What will you give me
In winter
So light?
I’ll give you my stars
Made of crystal,
Of crystal,
I’ll give you my stars
Made of crystal
And white.
And what will you give me
In springtime,
In springtime,
And what will you give me
In springtime
So new?
I’ll give you my nests
Made of grasses,
Of grasses,
I’ll give you my nests
Made of grasses
And blue.

by Beverly Mc Loughland
Earth, what will you give me
In summer
In summer,
Earth, what will you give me
In summer
I’ll give you my fields
Made of lilies,
Of lilies,
I’ll give you my fields
Made of lilies
And green.
And what will you give me
In autumn
In autumn
And what will you give me
In autumn
So bold?
I’ll give you my leaves
Made of maple,
Of maple,
I’ll give you my leaves
Made of maple
And gold.
And what will you give me
In winter,
In winter,
What will you give me
In winter
So light?
I’ll give you my stars
Made of crystal,
Of crystal,
I’ll give you my stars
Made of crystal
And white.
And what will you give me
In springtime,
In springtime,
And what will you give me
In springtime
So new?
I’ll give you my nests
Made of grasses,
Of grasses,
I’ll give you my nests
Made of grasses
And blue.

Morning Poem
Every morning
the world
is created.
Under the orange
sticks of the sun
the heaped
ashes of the night
turn into leaves again
and fasten themselves to the high branches ---
and the ponds appear
like black cloth
on which are painted islands
of summer lilies.
If it is your nature
to be happy
you will swim away along the soft trails
for hours, your imagination
alighting everywhere.
And if your spirit
carries within it
the thorn
that is heavier than lead ---
if it's all you can do
to keep on trudging ---
there is still
somewhere deep within you
a beast shouting that the earth
is exactly what it wanted ---
each pond with its blazing lilies
is a prayer heard and answered
every morning,
whether or not
you have ever dared to be happy,
whether or not
you have ever dared to pray.
from "Dream Work" (1986) Mary Oliver
Every morning
the world
is created.
Under the orange
sticks of the sun
the heaped
ashes of the night
turn into leaves again
and fasten themselves to the high branches ---
and the ponds appear
like black cloth
on which are painted islands
of summer lilies.
If it is your nature
to be happy
you will swim away along the soft trails
for hours, your imagination
alighting everywhere.
And if your spirit
carries within it
the thorn
that is heavier than lead ---
if it's all you can do
to keep on trudging ---
there is still
somewhere deep within you
a beast shouting that the earth
is exactly what it wanted ---
each pond with its blazing lilies
is a prayer heard and answered
every morning,
whether or not
you have ever dared to be happy,
whether or not
you have ever dared to pray.
from "Dream Work" (1986) Mary Oliver
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Grilled Chicken Sausages, Peppers and Onions with Cauliflower Rice
This group has been squirreling away their poems for National Keep A Poem in Your Pocket Day on April 29th. Hope you're ready.
Cook's notes: This entree can be easily be roasted in the oven on a baking sheet if grilling is not an option. A healthier alternative to traditional sausage is using Aidells Chicken Apple Sausages that come in several flavors. They are gluten and nitrate-free with no added hormones. Roast at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Some delicious add-ins include: Brussels sprouts, butternut squash or sweet potatoes, spinach, apple chunks. Recipe serves 4.
Cook's notes: Delicious light appetizer on skewers on a tray or serve as a mini bite on toothpicks laid on a lettuce leaf. I highly suggest using a chocolate balsamic for drizzle (piece de resistance) though a good quality dark balsamic vinegar works too.
Cook's Notes: The perfect finish for the meal when just a small bite will do. This small jar 4-5 oz. (they came with a lid) from a craft store. You can make the dessert up ahead and place it in the freezer until needed. A must though which did not get in this photo was topping the ice cream sundae with a cherry, nuts, and sprinkles.
Are you looking ahead to the grilling season? Try Grilled Sausages, Peppers, and Onions, a versatile easy clean up no-fuss meal. Pair with a healthy side of cauliflower rice and mini caprese bites. Splurge just a little with a mini ice-cream sundae.
Seasonal Plate (food column) Grilled Chicken Sausage, Peppers, and Onions Cook's notes: This entree can be easily be roasted in the oven on a baking sheet if grilling is not an option. A healthier alternative to traditional sausage is using Aidells Chicken Apple Sausages that come in several flavors. They are gluten and nitrate-free with no added hormones. Roast at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Some delicious add-ins include: Brussels sprouts, butternut squash or sweet potatoes, spinach, apple chunks. Recipe serves 4.
- 1 package of Aidell Sausages Chicken Apple or Italian, each link cut into 5ths
- 1/ 2 of a large red onion, cut into slices
- 1 large red pepper, cut into slices
- 2-1/2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- ¼ teaspoon each cinnamon, thyme, parsley, rosemary
- 1 package of riced cauliflower, thawed
- 1 tablespoon each chicken broth and white wine
- Line a baking sheet with foil. In a large bowl add sausages, peppers and onions. Mix in olive oil, spices, and maple syrup. Mix well.
- Transfer foil sheet to grill and roast for about 15 minutes.
- While the mixture is roasting add to a medium-sized skillet ½ tablespoon olive oil. Stir fry cauliflower according to package directions, adding in wine and chicken broth. Add in 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese and mix well. Serve warm.
Cook's notes: Delicious light appetizer on skewers on a tray or serve as a mini bite on toothpicks laid on a lettuce leaf. I highly suggest using a chocolate balsamic for drizzle (piece de resistance) though a good quality dark balsamic vinegar works too.
- Cherry tomatoes
- Cherry sized marinated mozzarella balls (produce section)
- Fresh basil leaves
- Chocolate balsamic vinegar or dark balsamic vinegar, good quality
- Thread on a small skewer or toothpick, one mozzarella ball, one basil leaf, and tomato. If using skewers will repeat one more time.
- Drizzle with balsamic vinegar just before serving.
Cook's Notes: The perfect finish for the meal when just a small bite will do. This small jar 4-5 oz. (they came with a lid) from a craft store. You can make the dessert up ahead and place it in the freezer until needed. A must though which did not get in this photo was topping the ice cream sundae with a cherry, nuts, and sprinkles.
- Ice Cream any flavor
- Banana slices
- Whipped cream
- Chocolate sauce
- Caramel sauce
- Crushed Oreo cookies
- Optional but highly suggested a cherry, sprinkle, and nuts
- Depending on the size of the serving container, layer at least twice.
- Freeze until needed
Question-Do you think this meal with all these recipes above will tide you over for a week? As we are off-STAY TUNED
Monday, April 26, 2021
Caprese Bites on a Stick
A Soapweed Yucca may be one of the more unusual plants that bloom late spring into summer. This distinctive member of the agave family is an attractive clumping perennial with grayish-green, dagger-like leaves that grow from a central rosette. Stout stalks lined with creamy, cup-shaped blooms rise 2 to 3 feet above the plant.
Looking for an easy appetizer or a mini bite that would pair well with a grilled meal?
Try Caprese Bites on a Stick.
"Spring Seduction"
by Sharon Harris
watch out
guard yourself against spring
or she will seep her way into your heart.
she will take you by the hand
if you are not careful
and lead you deep into awakening forests.
she will give you sweet wine to drink
that will intoxicate you.
the sunshine of her smile
will blind your eyes.
she sends joy and exultation
coursing through your veins
as melted snow rushes down valleys and gullies.
the perfume of new flowers
and pine needles
and the very clarity of the air
will make you dizzy, reeling.
she will seduce you
with centuries of experience in her eyes
with memories of hundreds of lovers in her heart
and in her warm, warm arms
she will trick you
into loving her.
she will draw all your attention
from your work and other interests
to herself
her vibrant being
her flower perfume
her moist, moist lips.
Previously published in 1999 Lake Country Journal
Looking for an easy appetizer or a mini bite that would pair well with a grilled meal?
Try Caprese Bites on a Stick.
Cook's Notes: You can't pass this one up since it requires only 4 ingredients besides the sticks and little time needed for assembly. I cut long skewers in half for this recipe. I highly suggest you splurge on this one and use a chocolate balsamic. It just adds the piece de resistance.

- Fresh basil leaves
- Cherry tomatoes
- Cherry size marinated mozzarella balls (deli section)
- Chocolate Balsamic or Dark Balsamic (good quality)
- On each skewer thread mozzarella ball, basil and tomato-repeat on more time.
- Right before serving drizzle balsamic over the skewers. If not serving a group-no problem try these mini bites using a toothpick following the same directions as above.

by Sharon Harris
watch out
guard yourself against spring
or she will seep her way into your heart.
she will take you by the hand
if you are not careful
and lead you deep into awakening forests.
she will give you sweet wine to drink
that will intoxicate you.
the sunshine of her smile
will blind your eyes.
she sends joy and exultation
coursing through your veins
as melted snow rushes down valleys and gullies.
the perfume of new flowers
and pine needles
and the very clarity of the air
will make you dizzy, reeling.
she will seduce you
with centuries of experience in her eyes
with memories of hundreds of lovers in her heart
and in her warm, warm arms
she will trick you
into loving her.
she will draw all your attention
from your work and other interests
to herself
her vibrant being
her flower perfume
her moist, moist lips.
Previously published in 1999 Lake Country Journal
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Sundae Funday
No matter what the weather you can always make your Sunday a Funday with an ice cream treat.A mini sundae may just be that bite you have been craving for. I found these small jars with lids at a craft store. The size is perfect when just a small bite will do.
What I also liked about these jars is you can make the sundae, seal the jar with a lid and then store it in freezer until ready to eat. A great idea for company.
Sundae layers repeat for a total of 2 times
ice cream
banana slices
whipped cream
Oreo cookie crumbs-could use crumbled brownies
a squirt of chocolate ice cream topping
and don't forget a cherry and some sprinkles!
Other SUNDAE FUNDAY ideas from Ever Ready
Dessert Tacos
Ice-Cream Sandwich
Waffle Bowl's not often when you can stand out in the yard early evening and look left at the full moonand look right at the sunset-all at the same time.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Cheese Ravioli with Roasted Asparagus, Tomatoes, Garlic and Herbs
Truth be told I've been squirreling away ketchup packets for quite some time not even realizing until recently there was a shortage. For me, there's never enough ketchup and I wouldn't want to run out. Here's an interesting link that explains supply and demand issues.
Cheese Ravioli with Roasted Asparagus, Tomatoes Garlic, and Herbs Cook's Notes: Four cheese ravioli are paired with roasted asparagus and tomatoes, garlic and herbs drizzled with dark balsamic vinegar, Parmesan cheese, and a dollop of prepared marinara sauce. Toasting walnuts added a good flavor and a nice crunch. It's a delicious dinner company-worthy, so easy, and looks a little bit fancy.
The recipe serves 4 but ingredients can easily be increased to serve more.
The recipe serves 4 but ingredients can easily be increased to serve more.
- 1 package refrigerated four-cheese ravioli
- 1 bunch of thin asparagus, woody ends trimmed
- 1 small container of grape tomatoes
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 -2 tablespoons dark balsamic vinegar (good quality)
- 1/2 cup toasted walnuts
- Fresh basil and parsley
- 1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
- 1 container prepared marinara sauce (refrigerated section)
- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone pad. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
- Place asparagus spears on a baking sheet. Arrange garlic around spears. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Roast for 10 minutes.
- Add tomatoes and add olive oil and balsamic vinegar if needed and roast 10 minutes more.
- Cook ravioli according to manufacturer's directions and drain.
- Arrange on a serving plate with ravioli on the bottom, then add asparagus spears and tomatoes on top. Drizzle with some of the marinara sauce, grated Parmesan cheese over the sauce, top with toasted walnuts. and fresh parsley and basil.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Spring for a Salad, Poem and a Tropical Bread
Grab a cup of coffee, read a poem or even write one of your own while enjoying a slice of Coconut Pineapple Banana Bread. A very moist bread with loads of flavors that meld perfectly together for a midmorning snack or as a side with a luncheon salad. Cook's Notes: This will be my last baking recipe for a while.
LOL my husband has revoked my baking privileges. He cleaned the oven and declared I can't use the oven before we leave. Lucky I was able to get this recipe in time to share with you. Absolutely loved this quick bread so delicious with all my favorite flavors. A very straightforward recipe and goes quickly together. Recipe adapted from I used melted coconut oil for more flavor.
Cooking Tip: Avoid overmixing batter and reserve the pineapple juice from the crushed pineapple for the icing sugar.Option: Add 1 teaspoon lemon zest to the icing!
LOL my husband has revoked my baking privileges. He cleaned the oven and declared I can't use the oven before we leave. Lucky I was able to get this recipe in time to share with you. Absolutely loved this quick bread so delicious with all my favorite flavors. A very straightforward recipe and goes quickly together. Recipe adapted from I used melted coconut oil for more flavor.
Cooking Tip: Avoid overmixing batter and reserve the pineapple juice from the crushed pineapple for the icing sugar.Option: Add 1 teaspoon lemon zest to the icing!
- 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon or 1 tablespoon Saigon cinnamon
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil (or vegetable oil or butter)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- 3 large eggs
- 3 overripe bananas, mashed (1 cup)
- 1 cup crushed pineapple, well-drained
- 1 cup sweetened shredded coconut
- 1 cup powdered sugar (confectioners sugar)
- 1-2 tablespoons pineapple juice
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Toast lightly 1 cup of coconut.
- Mix the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, toasted coconut, and salt. Set aside.
- Mash bananas in a small cup and set them aside. Drain the crushed pineapple.
- In a large bowl beat the eggs. Mix in the melted coconut oil, sugar, maple syrup, banana, and pineapple just until incorporated into the eggs.
- Mix the flour mixture into the wet mixture. Do not overmix.
- Pour the batter into a greased 9×5 inch loaf pan and bake in a preheated 350 degrees oven until golden brown on top and a toothpick pushed into the center comes out clean, about 45-50 minutes.
- Let cool for 15 minutes and remove from the pan and cool on a wire rack.
- Mix the powdered sugar and pineapple juice, pour it over the cooled bread. Let the icing set before slicing and enjoy!or serve bread slices with a green salad made with mandarin oranges, slices of cooked chilled chicken, sugared almonds, cucumbers, chow mein noodles for a crunch, and drizzled with a balsamic vinaigrette.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Color Explosion
Mary O'Neill's " Hailstones and Halibut Bones " is a children's classic of rhyme and verse first published in 1961. This book has been used often in schools as a supplementary tool for teaching poetry. In the book there are 12 vivid poems where O'Neill explores colors using the senses. Not only do the rhythmic lines lend themselves to song but writing one's own color poem.
What I like best about the book is how each page has imaginative verses that explore the meaning of a color. Each page begins What is... and then names a color.
The Colors live
Between black and white
In a land that we
Know best by sight.
But knowing best
Isn't everything,
For colors dance
And colors sing,
And colors laugh
And colors cry-
Turn off the light
And colors die,
And they make you feel;
Every feeling there is
From the grumpiest grump
to the fizziest fizz.
And you and I
Know well
Each has a taste
And each has a smell
And each has a wonderful
Story to tell...
ending page from "Hailstones and Halibut Bones" by Mary O"Neill
What I like best about the book is how each page has imaginative verses that explore the meaning of a color. Each page begins What is... and then names a color.
The Colors live
Between black and white
In a land that we
Know best by sight.
But knowing best
Isn't everything,
For colors dance
And colors sing,
And colors laugh
And colors cry-
Turn off the light
And colors die,
And they make you feel;
Every feeling there is
From the grumpiest grump
to the fizziest fizz.
And you and I
Know well
Each has a taste
And each has a smell
And each has a wonderful
Story to tell...
ending page from "Hailstones and Halibut Bones" by Mary O"Neill
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National Oreo Cookie Day
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