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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

An Excellent Adventure

Chapter Eight: The World According to Bella
Despite the fact my people are often stressed with my antics on the beach I am truly having an excellent adventure down south. I view the beach as one large seafood buffet. And I can't get enough of it. Such tasty morsels!!! Yesterday I consumed an entire crab-shell and all! Now that sent my people rushing inside to the computer to check on what it would do to my insides. Happy to report that after one whole day I still feel fit enough to run through the surf and down the beach trying to catch birds. One never knows what finds there on a beach after the tide goes out. Today I spied several brightly colored deflated balloons but just as I was about to snatch one it was quickly taken away.
Being outdoors anywhere makes me the happiest so I didn't mind missing a recent field trip to Savannah. Did not sound like a very dog friendly place to me since I could not ride the sightseeing trolley. Looking at my people's pictures seems like wrought iron fencing, gates, railings, and fancy historic houses are a big deal as well as all these circular parks incorporated into a basic grid pattern in this town. One photo I thought quite strange was the fancy metal drainpipe one. These drainpipes were designed to look like dolphins since many people believed dolphins were a sign of good luck and prosperity. To me the drainpipe looks like a weird kind of fish.
I have been promised if I can behave (if that is possible) I can go to a parade of fancy and very expensive cars, some even over a million on Friday. Hope they keep their word!

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