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Monday, October 30, 2017

The World According to Bella

An Eventful Week
A visit from Sadie and Luna can be exhausting. Since they had a long car ride to get to us they were like whirling tornadoes when the car door opened. They ran circles around the house, up and down the hill, back around the house, up and down the porch steps multiple  times. I was tired just watching them. So I just sat near the porch  watching Mr. C and Chris taking out the dock  
while Sadie and Luna watched from above barricaded by chairs so they wouldn't escape.  
Inside the house my toys got an extensive  workout.  Again I just sat there watching all the commotion but when Luna went for my favorite orange ball I made a bold move. I pushed her away and held into the ball with both my paws. I didn't care about the part Mrs. S's saying I needed to be polite and share. Enough was enough! 
We snacked on rawhide treats while Mr. C and Mrs. S had dinner with Chris and Jenny. Later it got real quiet and I noticed Sadie and Luna were sound asleep under the dining table.
The next day
Mrs. S spied several intruders. Three of them have made their permanent residence right near us in the woods. Unless I am out there running around trying to bark them out of the yard they are feasting any remaining leaf, flower, blossom,twig and shrub. This deer didn't seem a bit worried about Mrs. S as it just waved its tail and fled into the woods.  
 So perhaps you may be wondering where was I while this feasting was going on? Certainly not on yard patrol scaring intruders away. I was on the other side of the house staring at the lake wishing I had a boat to take a ride. I sighed when Mrs. S took the sign down

Day three brought a huge weather change. It was a winter wonderland.
I'm not sure if this weather was the reason but Mr. C and Mrs. S have been packing and cleaning for days. I was getting the idea we were leaving with this pile of stuff getting larger and larger. So I parked myself close by. I didn't want to be left behind. 
I won't miss the part being dressed in orange everyday and the warning about wolves nearby. But I will miss the lake and our neighbors. I hope our mail will follow us. I am  still waiting for something from Chunk. 

Life is better at the lake but I don't like to miss the treats at the dog park for the Halloween parade. I am happy to report Mrs. S has come to her senses. She is letting me go for the simple look this year-just my glow in the dark collar.    

Love, Bella

P.S. I'm told my stay in the cities won't be that long.  

1 comment:

  1. That much snow already this early in the season would send me packing, too.



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