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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The World According to Bella

Ice Out-Let the Good Times Roll
I've spent many days waiting for ice out
and hoping for spring to come. I didn't have much enthusiasm to even redo my hole.  I just laid around hoping it would be soon. 

Finally I heard Mr. C announce "Ice Out." I did not waste a minute for my first swim of the season. I didn't care if water was cold, Now if we only had the boat in I'd be  the happiest dog around.
 I think we are getting close. A few days ago Sadie, Luna came for a visit. We all watched Chris and Mr.C  put in the dock. 
Luna and Sadie always go crazy at my house. The really like my ball. 
But I do not like to share. 
With the dock in I'm waiting for Mrs. S to return from the cities. We need her help to get  the boat in. And I really want to show her some of my newest finds for the week.
When Mrs. S left I heard her say there were a bag of trades in the refrig if needed. But they did not last long as I found several more bones in the woods. Mr.C saved my newest one  in the garage. He seems to think she'll want a picture.  

I'm back to yard patrol. Even though there are no plants to protect there are lots of annoying creatures to scare away. Besides the raccoon family we've had a fox  and a porcupine come for a visit. And now the turtles are looking for a place to lay their eggs and the loons are back causing such a racket with all their calls. They always sound like  they are in pain and sad.  
But I'm happy to be at the lake with cooler weather than Arizona and my same routine.   

Love, Bella 

1 comment:

  1. It's like a wildlife park up there at the lake. I'm glad the ice is finally out. Much later than usual, I presume?



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