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Friday, February 8, 2019

The World According to Bella

Out and About
When I heard Mrs. S ask who wants to go on a field trip my paw went straight up in the air. I needed to get out and go somewhere new. I am up to 4 walks a day and have visited every neighborhood around our house. I really didn't care what trip I was signing up for. But after an hour and a half in the van I was beginning to wonder just where we were going. I hoped it wasn't the beginning of a return trip to Minnesota. The pictures Mrs. S has showed me on her phone home looks really bad there. And now I have completely shed one whole layer of my fur coat. I kept looking out the window and all I saw was the desert and cactus after cactus.  I hoped Mr.C put in a lot of gas in the van as there was absolutely nothing around. 
Stop One: Greek Monastery
Alert: not pet friendly and I was forced to sit it out. They left me with plenty of snacks and water but I took my morning nap instead. 
Stop Two: Casa Grande Ruins
Alert: Pet friendly for leashed dogs but we needed to go through the lobby of visitors center to reach the ruins outside. Three different people noticed me as we heard "Your dog is adorable." "What a beautiful dog." "Your dog is so well behaved."  
I was positively glowing after these remarks. 
I was not impressed the ruins that looked just like a bunch of rocks. 

Mrs S said if I had listened better for the talk I would have found out that it's a national monument that preserves the remains of an ancient Hohokma farming village with a Great House intact. 
Mrs. S thought is was good photo op for me 
but I hurried Mr.C along 
to see if the other side was anymore interesting. It was not. Just more rocks and I just couldn't picture the village Mrs S was reading about from the brochure. 
I was anxious to get back to the van. I knew my snack pack was still there. 
A trip to the dog park on the way back home for more exercise certainly was way better than looking at rocks. And it still left me some patio time and a little snooze. 
Love, Bella 

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