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Monday, September 28, 2020

Meet Minnesota Author Susan Wardell



Susan grew up in St. Paul, MN and graduated from St. Cloud State University in Special Education. After teaching for several years she opted to stay home with her rapidly growing family and dabbled in writing children’s books—but she wasn’t happy with the results, just yet. She had shelved that idea in pursuit of a Pre-K licensure. Susan taught pre-school and ECFE for many years, but when her youngest graduated from college, she and her husband took the plunge. sold their home in the city and moved to their lake cabin, which is now home.

A move up north was a leap of faith for Susan and her husband making new friends, different hobbies and being further away from family was at first challenging. She is happy to report they love their new different lifestyle! Susan volunteers and works part-time at the animal shelter, plays pickle ball, and enjoys stand-up paddleboard. She has a passion advocating for children’s rights—including time spent volunteering with the Washington County Child Protection Services Citizen Review Panel. 
"My Grandma's Hands" is Susan's debut children's picture book. 
Author's Notes: Throughout my adult life and teaching career I had played around with the idea of writing children’s books but my ideas and words didn’t flow! One day I was chasing my granddaughter around the yard and she was close to a hill and almost fell. I took her hand and said, “Hold my hand. It’s safer when we’re together." We proceeded to go down by the lake to play and I stared at my hands, and thought about the hands of the grandmothers that I know. Suddenly the idea and the words came together so easily. The book practically wrote itself!
Book Synopsis:
My Grandma's Hands celebrates the cherished relationship between grandmothers and grandchildren. Hands are the connection that brings the two closer. At birth Grandma holds the child and welcomes her to the world. As the child grows the situation reverses and it is the child keeping Grandma safe. At turns funny and sobering this multicultural book celebrates all that is good about this special relationship.
Check out Susan's website for upcoming events and to order her book.
2019 Participant Northwoods Art and Book Festival

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a wonderful book with a great message. Thank you for sharing Susan and her work with us.



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