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Friday, February 12, 2010

A Red Letter Day

Part Fifteen
"The ride from Santa Cruz to the Napa wine country was quite scenic. I have never seen such lush green hills as we drove to our destination. It must be from all the rain they have had here. As we entered our hotel room I spied a red envelope on the table next to the bed. Much to my surprise it was addressed to me. I was quick to rip open the envelope. Inside was the most beautiful valentine. All around the edges were x's and o's. In the center was a pretty black and pink ribbon tied in a bow. The message My Heart Belongs To You. Inside the words Missing You, Love Moxie was enough to make my heart race! I sighed happy that I had not been forgotten. A valentine from Moxie was enough to cheer me up. Now I did not not feel so homesick. I hoped she had gotten the valentine I sent her. I raced to the phone to place a call."

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