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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekend Round-Up

Ever Ready-on target with some of the best valentine sweets-follow the links underneath the photos 
Buttermilk Red Velvet Cake 
Valentine Brownie
Cupid Float
Strawberries with Hazelnut Filling
Heart French Toast
Sweetheart Cherry Pies
Dove Chocolate Gingersnap Cookies
Chocolate Truffle Filled Red Velvet Cupcakes
Ghirardelli Lava Cakes 
note: there is no photo to accompany this recipe posted in 2011 as several years ago I lost photos off Ever Ready blog and could not retrieve them-good news at least recipe is still there
Since I am traveling this week I thought I'd give you a partial list of ideas courtesy of Buzz Feed-so easy   
My favorite one is #1
1. Tweet or Facebook message a genuine compliment to three people right now.
2. Bring doughnuts (or a healthy treat, like cut-up fruit) to work.
3. While you’re out, compliment a parent on how well-behaved their child is.
4. Don’t write the angry internet comment you’re thinking of writing.
5. When everyone around you is gossiping about someone, be the one to butt in with something nice.
6. Cook a meal or do a load of laundry for a friend who just had a baby or is going through a difficult time.
7. If you walk by a car with an expired parking meter, put a quarter in it.
8. Put your phone away.
9. Hang out with the person who just moved to town.
10. Offer a homeless person your leftovers bag from the restaurant.
11. Each time you get a new piece of clothing, donate an old one.
12. Don’t interrupt when someone else is speaking. (Surprisingly few people master this.)
13. Email or write an old teacher who made a difference in your life.
14. Compliment someone to their boss.
15. Leave a nice server the biggest tip you can afford.

1 comment:

  1. Great list. Great recipes. I want to try the lava cake.

    Safe travels, my friend.



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