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Friday, April 12, 2019

Over My Shoulder

“Over My Shoulder A Columbine Survivor's Story of Resilience, Hope and a Life Reclaimed” is an inspirational, and mesmerizing memoir written by Kacey Ruegsegger Johnson.
When Johnson was 17 she experienced a horrific tragedy as the victim of a school shooting. She has been able to find beauty rising from the ashes through her profound faith in God with a resilient and determined spirit. Johnson shares the details of her survivor's journey struggling through physical and mental injuries. A strong family and friend support with a caring team of doctors have given Johnson the needed inner strength and confidence to share publicly her life experiences hoping to help others. Johnson is a public speaker and advocate for AlloSource, a non-profit tissue donation bank. Her story of triumph over great adversity offers readers insight and hope. Johnson writes with humility and a grateful heart. She profoundly declares, “I may not have a perfectly working arm or hand, or even a pain-free life, but giving my children the perspective of what it is to truly stand victorious at the end of a long road of suffering-it matters. I plan to continue reminding myself of that message, speaking it boldly to others as long as I have breath in my lungs.”

On April 20, 1999 two disgruntled Columbine students went on a premeditated spree at Columbine High School in Littteton. Colorado. In just under an hour 12 students and 1 teacher were killed and over 20 injured before the killers turned their guns on themselves in suicide. Johnson was trapped in the library under a table with only a chair for protection. She was shot at close range suffering life threatening injuries forever altering Kacey Ruegsegger Johnson's life at 17. At this point in time, the Columbine shooting was the worst high school shooting in US history, prompting a national debate on gun control. A nation was stunned coming to grips with this senseless tragic event, It took a lot of courage for author Johnson to write this book revisiting in detail the chilling events of April 20th, 1999.

Johnson's shoulder bone was reduced to dust and her hand severely injured with the risk of amputation of her right arm. The gift of donated bone and tissue to rebuild her shoulder, arm and hand began her close relationship with AlloSource organization, ultimately becoming a spokesperson for them.

The shooting followed a year of adolescent struggles for Johnson adjusting to the death of four friends (two by suicide) and her own deep depression. Her own contemplation of suicide and a rescue by her parents, Johnson's close knit family became her rock. As Johnson began to learn how to accept her disabilities, she chose a nursing career as another avenue of hope and healing for herself. Unfortunately her career as an oncology nurse was cut short. The demands on her body with 12 hour shifts began to impact her surgical repairs. Johnson met the man of her dreams Patrick and together they have built a new life with a family of three daughters and one son.

Photo Credit-Kately Solich Photography 

Johnson has finally found herself in a good place. She is a popular public speaker who speaks on her life experiences offering healing and hope to others. Johnson is also an advocate for her daughter Logan' s eye disability, Aniridia, an absence of the Iris. 

As the 20th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting nears, Johnson is determined to share her turbulent stories from the dark soil of April 20,1999 and the blessings that have sprouted from that event. Johnson clearly sees the hand of God on her journey. Johnson hopes that her children will recognize it has been her faith that has kept her strong facing multiple trials. Seize the good available in each moment of their lives is what Johnson wishes for her family. 

“Over My Shoulder A Columbine Survivor's Story of Resilience, Hope, and a Life Reclaimed,”a book filled with messages of hope should be placed at the top of everyone's book list.
Photo Credit-Limb Preservation Foundation

For more author information and to view Kacey's blog go to


  1. Thank you, Sue, for sharing this book with us. I am going to check right now at my library to see if it's available. What an inspiration. What an incredible story of hope. Definitely a must-read based on your review.

  2. I can't imagine what everyone went through, even 20 years later, Columbine is still so fresh to many. What a beautiful book this sounds like, I will definitely have to look it up. I found your link on The Mother's Day Party on Janice's Mostly Blogging. Hope you have time to visit



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