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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The World According to Bella


transitive verb sidelinedsidelining
☆ to remove from active participation: sidelined by an injury
According to Webster dictionary online this is what Mrs. S. is currently experiencing.  Sentence reads...She has been sidelined. 
I guess this means for me ...end of field trips for awhile as I am now under sole management of Mr. C. While he is most attentive to my needs he is not too creative planning extra outings for me. My big excitement for the day was going to a new park. I got to chase squirrels because I went off leash. But don't tell anyone. I really wasn't suppose to do that. Barking at those stupid cats across the street has kept me really busy this afternoon. They just don't  get it! This is my territory plain and simple! Bella rules!
So now back to Mrs. S. Yesterday's field trip to a local ER (are you ready for this) took 5 whole hours!! I thought she was never going to get out.  And it was getting past dinner time and my stomach was growling big time. By the time I spied her at the ER door hanging on to these silver things called crutches I gave her my best puppy dog tail wag. I had missed her and was worried.  She explained they did not find any breaks or fractures but a tear/sprain in a muscle ligament that goes down her leg to ankle causing intense pain when walking. (you need to know she tripped 6 days ago on a cobblestone sticking up in the street and each day the pain got worse) But I am worried about her. She is not used to being inside all the time and resting.  I expect there will be more meltdowns. So will cover my puppy dog ears when I feel one coming on which is soon. Our neighbor just brought over a walker!
Lucky for us she already had dinner ready. She hopes you will try these  yummy recipes. Looks like a lot of Take-Out ahead for us.
Cherry Chutney
  • ½ cup cherry preserves
  • 1-12 oz. bag of frozen cherries thawed, cut in half and patted dry on a paper towel-reserve any juice
  • 2/3 cup chopped onion or shallots (amount of onions is personal preference) 
  • ½ large green pepper chopped finely in strips
  • 3 TB. Balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tsp. brown sugar
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp. Rosemary
  • ½ tsp. thyme
  • 2 TB. red wine or cherry brandy
  • 1 TB. cornstarch
  • 1TB. Olive oil
  • In a saucepan sauté in olive oil onions and peppers about 10minutes
  • In a bowl juice from the thawed cherries mixed with 1 TB. cornstarch
  • To this bowl add cherry preserves, vinegar and spices, mix well
  • Add this mixture to peppers and onions and cook on low heat (uncovered) about 8-10 minutes till thickened 
  • Stir wine in and serve at room temperature-if using as a dessert item refrigerate till serving and warm in microwave 

 Rosemary-Cherries-Blue Cheese Crostini

The following recipe was adapted from Southern Living December 2011
  • Cherry Chutney sauce
  • 1- 8 oz. of blue cheese thinly sliced or try Gorgonzola or Feta
  • 16-(1/2 in thick slices) toasted Ciabatta or French bread slices
  • 2 cups arugula or mixed greens
  • optional red onion
  • Toast bread slices on both sides on a cookie sheet 
  • Divide arugula among the bread slices
  • Top with cherry chutney and 1 blue cheese slice
  • Serve at room temperature or heated slightly in microwave


    1 comment:

    1. Sorry you are laid up. That's a bummer especially while on vacation. Heal quickly.



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