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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Pinterest is an addictive social networking site that is loads of fun to browse and collect ideas. it is a content free sharing service that allows members to "pin" images, videos and other objects to their pinboard. The categories are quite extensive ranging from recipes, crafts, home decor, photography, travels, health, humor, quotes and many more to numerous to mention. 
So I took a "leap" and jumped into the site. I have a few boards started with books I have enjoyed and recipes and crafts I'd like to try. You can follow my board by using this link
The following craft idea came from a friend who gifted me with a bag of "goodies". She was quite clever even cutting out another brown bag and fitting it to her paper load in computer to run off the words: brown paper packages tied up with string and here are a few of your favorite things. Twine was added as a decorative item. Perhaps this came from Pinterest. If not it should be on the board
Please note: The feathery red plant from the Art Crawl on 84 photo (posting Sunday Sept. 2) was incorrectly identified. The information was corrected on the blog posting.

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