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Monday, August 12, 2019

Northwoods Art and Book Festival:Part One

Cook's Notes:
Take the talents of over 30 Minnesota authors, mix with assorted titles and genre, spice it up with visitors of all ages, combine with animated literary conversations and book signings, add in a tantalizing program on the secrets of mystery writers and you have a recipe for success.
The arts came to Hackensack on a 10+ weather August day. 
As advertised we were bigger and better than everThe Northwoods Art and Book Festival is known for its high quality original art pieces in a variety of art media that includes paint, clay, fiber, metal, wood, jewelry and photography. Unique to this festival is the popular book arts section where authors and poets sell and sign copies of their books. It was held in the UCC and Community building.
Authors had an opportunity to network with other authors and poets. Creativity abounded in their display tables. Each one had their own unique approach. A fun side note; several authors just happened to be wearing colors that matched their book covers:)

Time to Browse Books
Hear 3 Mystery Writers from Sisters in Crime Twin Cities Chapter 
Murder She Writes Again and Again 
Christine  Husom, Pat Dennis, Marlene Chabot  
Meet the Authors in UCC
Susan Wardell-Children's Book
Connie Lounsbury-Historical Fiction
Pat Bluth-Spiritual and Self Help
John Warren-Biographical Adventure
Gene Stark-Local Minnesota Interest
Barbara Schlichting-Historical Fiction, Mystery and Children's Books
Rosemary Vaughn (pen name) Shirley Greves   
Chris Norbury- Fiction, Mystery, Suspense Thriller
Patricia Linson-Historical Fiction
Carissa Andrews-SciFi
Becky Flansburg Non-Fiction, Children's Book

Deborah Jacobs(left) Anthology Short Form Literature
Steven Keillor-MN History, History, Christianity 
Illustrator Janet Rosauer with Alexis Rose (pen name), author Memoir and  Self Help  

Candace Simar-Historical Fiction set in MN
Mike Lein-Creative Non-Fiction
M.E.Fuller-Literary Fiction   
Anthony Swan (author right) Jazz Novel and Poetry 
Norton Stillman -publisher Nodin Press
Lisa Cassman-Self Help and Poetry
Margo Hansen-Spiritual
Kristen Hall-Humorous memoir, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's Book
Jason Willis-Paranormal Thriller, Historical Fiction 
Pat Dennis-Mystery, Humor, Memoir and Adult Coloring Book
Wendy Nelson-Paranormal-Paramilitary, Mystery Action Series
Marlene Chabot-Mystery
Christine Husom-Mystery
Niomi Phillips-Memoir with Sharon Harris (right) Anthology MN Writers, Poetry
Barbara Saefke-Mystery Romance
Colin Mustful-Historical Fiction  
Part Two The Arts 


  1. It was a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing all the great photos, too!

  2. Thanks, Sue. Great job organizing us writers (is it anything like herding cats?)

    Chris Norbury



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