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Saturday, August 25, 2018

A Taste of Summer

Cherry Tomatoes
by Anne Higgins

Suddenly it is August again, so hot,
breathless heat.
I sit on the ground
in the garden of Carmel,
picking ripe cherry tomatoes
and eating them.
They are so ripe that the skin is split,
so warm and sweet
from the attentions of the sun,
the juice bursts in my mouth,
an ecstatic taste,
and I feel that I am in the mouth of summer,
sloshing in the saliva of August.
Hummingbirds halo me there,
in the great green silence,
and my own bursting heart
splits me with life.

Some of Ever Ready's Best Tomato Dishes
Tomato Galette


  1. So many delicious choices! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope to see you again next week - Have a great week ahead.

  2. Perfect timing on these recipes. Now if only my unhealthy tomato plants were healthy and producing lots of fruit.



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