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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The World According to Bella

Holiday Wrap-Up
Mrs. S thought I needed to look festive. We were having company for lunch. I didn't know what to expect. Turns out  some of the guests were very small. I must have looked huge to them but they didn't seem to mind my size. The littlest one really liked my new bed. She settled in quite happily playing with her toy. 
I went to another room and watched her from afar. I did guard my ball just in case she'd crawl to get it. 
But the bigger one came and took the ball away. There was nothing I could do. Mrs. S had given me strict instructions to have  good manners and share. But gosh it was hard. The two of them made a lot of noise. So after awhile I went under the dining room table to escape all the commotion. But they found me and now we were three under the table. 
The bigger one thought I needed my nose wiped and she had a napkin. You will be happy to know I was real patient and let them hang out with me. They kept wanting to give me lots of hugs, sloppy kisses and crawling on me hoping for rides. When Mrs. S said it was time to show them the lake I made a beeline for the door. I had hoped for a boat ride and jumped right on board. But they all decided it was much too cold and windy.  The rest of the day was uneventful. I needed a nap after they left. 

Hope your day was fun and you were warm. We were not. Lucky for me I wisely did not shed all of my fur coat in Arizona as I certainly need it now.  
Love, Bella


  1. Love you, Bella! ❤️ 💕 💗

  2. Bella, I have a lot of sympathy for you. My granddaughter, Holly, used to terrorize my dog, Leia. She would crawl under the computer desk to hide from Holly (who just wanted to play). Little kids don’t know how to play with dogs and end up scaring them. You were a good dog to share your ball. Soon they’ll learn to play properly. Until then, you just bea Good Dog.



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