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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The World According to Bella

A Step Into Middle Age
Maybe it was the way he said arthritis or the scale showing a extra 10 pound weight gain or the possibility of having Lyme's or then maybe it was  pill container Dr. Eckholm handed Mr.C that made me think I have stepped into a new stage called middle age
Mr. C took me to see Dr. Eckholm because my back leg hurts and I have been limping. Check out all these meds I have to take. Dr. Eckholm thought this container would help Mr. C  remember. I like the taste of the one shaped like a milkbone.    
I have a secret admirer who knows how much I love mail. I recently received 4 little itty, bitty lo-cal treats in the mail as a reward for my walk to the mailbox. The envelope said only 3 calories per treat which doesn't exactly ruin my diet and does meet with Mr. C's approval.
 Mr. C has increased by dog walks from 2-3 a day . If I don't lose some weight I will never fit into my orange neoprene fall vest, a much needed apparel for hunting season. 
Love, Bella
Periodically I will post some creative Fall/Halloween ideas that I think you might enjoy 
Pumpkin Vase
tin can inside a pumpkin 

Spray paint red roses from Dollar Store black and use in a centerpiece fpr Halloween decor.

  Veggie tray

DIY Nail Polish Marbleized Pumpkins

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