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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The World According to Bella

Nothing bad so far has happened to me on this trip. I've been lucky and have managed to dodge rattlesnakes, scorpions, and javelina so far but it was a near miss when two coyotes ran in front of Mr. C and I a half a block away. Of course I got real excited. Lucky for Mr. C that he had a tight grip on my leash as I was ready for a chase. The coyotes paid no attention to me. 

Not one, not two but three field trips I've been on in 8 days. Finally things are looking up. Just when I thought it seemed like forever being what I think is under house arrest. I only get out for walks and then I'm on a leash and sunning out on the patio. I miss the lake and running free.  
Hiking in Madera  Canyon was  a real workout, especially for my paws.  

Check out all these rocks on the trail.
The trail went up and up. Climbing up over the rocks was a lot of work.  When we got to the stream  I just had to stop for a drink. 
I looked back to make sure Mrs. S wasn't going to slip when we had to jump the rocks to get to the other side. She made it and didn't get her shoes too wet.  
Even though it wasn't too hot of a day I still worked up a thirst after an hour or two. I was glad they remembered to bring my portable water dish and a bottle of water. Hiking uphill is work!

I only got a day's rest when we went on another hike to look at some rocks that had some  pictures on them but they were so high up we could hardly see them. And the sign said No Climbing on the Rocks. Lucky Mrs. S could zoom in for a photo. 

Then there was this easy path called The Way that went around in a circle. Lots of cactuses but I didn't understand why there were so many crosses with signs until Mrs. S said they were called Stations of the Cross. 
It was not too hot out so I didn't work up much of thirst on this trip. 
Look how big these cactuses are compared to us. 

Mr. C and Mrs S wanted to go on a road trip to some towns far away to check out what they called wineries. I got  to go because they were going to be gone  for many hours. Maybe they were worried I'd miss my dinner and a few walks. It was kinda a boring ride with not much to see along the way just mountains, desert, cattle and horses.

I did like that a few of the places they stopped at to check out wines were dog friendly. 

One place I got to sit out on the patio, enjoy the view with a bowl of water and a treat. 
I've heard about all the snow back home. I miss playing in it, climbing the snowbanks and taking walks with Mr. C. 

And I miss Sadie and Luna's visits even though they always want to play with my orange ball.

Love, Bella

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having fun (not you, Bella) with your new camera.



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